John Smyzer's Ramblings

Friday, September 24, 2004

40+ Days Till The Election

Well suh, we are getting down to the home stretch... "I" have good days feeling up, and then I have down days, feeling down. Guess there is nothing new about that - I still think the election, unlike the last time can go either way and will not be close.

While The President is looking better right now, the war can get to be 'so' bad that the people will turn on him. In that case, if they do turn, I believe Mr. Kerry will walk away with the election. On the other hand, The President is hanging tough and the people seem to appreciate his steadfastness. I know "I" personally appreciate the fact he is rock solid even in the face of the beheadings.

Speaking of which... I have made it a point to try and view each and every one of the beheadings. They repulse me, but in my mind, I believe we need to be reminded time and again just what it is we are dealing with. The American media has NO problem showing what went on in the prison in Iraq, but they refuse to show what the other side is doing. That's what it's about folks... that is what we are fighting against. It should be 'required' viewing to show the poor souls that felt their best chance was to jump from the top of the Twin Towers, flapping their arms in a desperate attempt at flight. R E Q U I R E D viewing. "THEN" people might begin to understand what we are up against. Let me tell you, the beheadings are horrible, and they are more horrible as time goes on, because the latest ones knew what was coming.


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