John Smyzer's Ramblings

Monday, November 22, 2004

The Second Term

Who knows how it will all end, BUT, this president's second term is probably going to be different than any of 'us' remember. Why? There will be no attempt to succeed him by his Vice President. What does this mean? To me it means The President does not need to worry about politics like most of his predecessors have. He has a little over two years to get the major things done. After that, he will be the lamest of ducks. Mr. Cheney has publically stated he has no urges for higher office, so when Mr. Bush is gone, so to will be the Vice President. This means they can be bolder than many in the past.

So what 'will' be the plan of attack? Doubt any of us know. I have said for many years, even though it is a crap shoot, the appointments to The Supreme Court are the single most important thing to come out of The Presidency. 'This' president may just get three. All the garbage about Roe v. Wade is just that.... if in fact, President Bush has no litmus test, and if in fact he appoints a judge who INTERPRETS the law and does not MAKE law, then any judge he appoints will know that Roe V. Wade 'IS' law. I personally hate abortion... my daughters biggest accomplishment (in my mind) was taking responsibility and bringing my grandson Ryan into this world. 'She' made the decision; I can remember the night she told me like yesterday. I remember at the time I only had 'one' question for her... are you going to keep it; she said yes, and I told her that was all I wanted to know [that night]. It was a tough time, but I love that boy, and he may just be President one day, charmer that he is.

So what is Mr. Bush's agenda for the second term?
1) permanent tax reform (this will not dissuade anyone from giving more to the tax man if they so choose).
2) The holy grail, social security. I'm old enough that it will be there for me... I doubt it will be there for my grandchildren unless fixed. They (politicians) have known for years it 'has' to be done - none have had the courage. Mr. Bush, not having to worry about re-election 'may' just get it done.
3) Funny how The President during that State of The Union address where he identified The Axis of Evil has been proven correct. So, having gotten Iraq, and the next few weeks are critical to its success, will President Bush have the courage to press on - Iran, North Korea - what is coming there? It is an interesting state of affairs; I am looking forward to see just how it plays out. One things for absolutely sure - this Mr. Bush fellow has gonads!!


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