Who in the world is to really 'know'... I had always been troubled by the man who said Mr. Kerry pulled him from the water with bullets flying; I finally have heard a logical explanation that makes everyone right. Those that say there was 'no' enemy fire, and the fellow who said bullets were flying. It goes something like this.
There is no dispute he fell into the water, and there is no dispute that Kerry helped him out... the issue seems to be the period from the time he fell into the water to the time he was pulled out. When he surfaced, he heard gunfire and naturally thought it was enemy gunfire. The explanation I heard the other night says, those on the boats [thought] they saw something moving on shore and began firing from the boats towards the shore. While firing, the man in the water surfaced, and hearing gunfire, kept submerging to not be an open target. Once the movement on shore had been deemed to be 'nothing', the firing stopped and the fellow was recovered from the water. So... 'he' was right, there was gunfire, and he 'was' pulled from the water by Mr. Kerry. The Switfies were right in saying there was no enemy fire.
At least this explanation has taken 'my' consternation away - it seems very logical to me. I still am more convinced than ever that the democrats 'want' this to be the issue so they do not have to talk about Mr. Kerry's Senate record. Were his senate record to be the focal point, he would be in big trouble. There is nothing there to distinquish him except his votes, and trust me when I say, they would not be pretty.