John Smyzer's Ramblings

Sunday, October 30, 2005

River Walk 10/28/05

These are shots from a new walking path on the 'north' side of the Bellevue Bridge - it is being developed into a park and will be very nice if the do not screw it up. : )

Saturday, October 29, 2005


Umm, who dunnit? Doggone it! I feel cheated! I thought we would find out who leaked her name!!! We didn't. I thought that was the reason for the grand jury! Arrgh - yup, one of the smartest (acknowledged by many), lawyers in this country (ole Scooter), evidently told lies to the grand jury - evidently to the extent that 'other' smart people say... sumpin is rotten in the case. Well, what a revelation. Where is Bob Novak?? I want to hear from HIM!! He had stated that when the special prosecutor let his report he (Novak) would speak. Now, with the way the report was put out, I doubt we hear from Mr. Novak - and 'he' is gittin up there in years... please speak Robert.

I still am struck by the difference between the treatment this special prosecutor has gotten and Ken Starr - just amazing... and, if Scooter lied, purjured himself, he needs to go and pay the piper, no hemming and hawwing... I just want to know the STORY - we haven't gotten it yet!

Friday, October 28, 2005


She has withdrawn - whether of her own accord or having been pushed is inmaterial - other than the embarrasment for the president, I think I am glad.

My first choice has always been Janice Rogers Brown - I have been having trouble getting through to 'W', but I'll keep trying... the circuits have been busy.

Tuesday, October 25, 2005


I want to point out a truly remarkable web site called Wikipedia. It is an online encyclopedia. You the individual have the opportunity to add to articles; I don't care what you are interested in, type some key words in the 'search' box and away you go. I typed 'Plamegate' in and was astounded by the day by day historical record of what is and has happened so far... anyway, here is the link, and I encourage you to go there and bookmark it for future reference. Just put your cursor on the link below and it click - it will take you there. :)

Sunday, October 23, 2005

Halloween Kitty

Michelle's new kitty BooBoo, just in time for Halloween!!! : )

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I've written many times regarding the appointment of justices to The Supreme Court of The United States (SCOTUS) - I've always thought, and still do believe it is the president's perrogitive on whom he appoints. I think I said that when he appointed Ms. Meirs. I have read and seen enough dissension on the politcal right that the appointment is giving me pause for thought.

Were the dissension only coming from the extreme right (I hate that descriptive), then I would not be concerned at all, however, many conservitives I consider middle of the road are upset with this nomination... again, their being concerned has gotten my attention and gives me pause for thought.

I guess in the end, if she withdraws, is voted down, or for some other reason not seated, then the 'next' nominee could still be one of the 'knowns' (at least in peoples minds). And 'that' my friend is the real issue here... NOBODY knows how any of them will vote in the final analysis.... and I do mean NOBODY!!! That is and has been the main reason for 'my' sticking with Ms. Meirs... if you believe that President Bush knows her and her philosophy, then there is a certain amount of trust in the pick.

Friday, October 21, 2005

The Difference

Fri Oct-21-2005 12:22

As it pertains to The Special Prosecutor(s)... I discern a clear difference between Republicans and Democrats. It is clear as I write this memo that 'somebody' is leaking information from the Grand Jury involved in the Valarie Plame case... so what you might say? I don't really care personally, but this is my observation contrasting the difference in the parties.

Have you heard anybody disparaging the special prosecutor, Mr. Fitzgerald? No you haven't... contrast that with Ken Starr when his grand jury investigated President Clinton... forget what he was investigating.

Have you heard anyone complaining about the money being spent for the grand jury? Nope again. I 'think' you can then conclude that the Republicans (if Rove / Libby et al) are infact indicted, will desert them in a heartbeat... I know "I" will... however, if it turns out one or both are 'not' indicted... you then watch the change in the Democrats... they will crucify this prosecutor just like the last.

Tuesday, October 18, 2005

Poundage Lost

Ha ha - I have been gently reminded by two different folks that I had promised to reveal the weight loss post my doctors visit on 14 October. So help me, I had forgotten that promise, but... OK.

I 'was' slightly disappointed initially, but after reflection and talking to the doctor, I realize I was beating myself up for naught. Somewhere (I think it was Lowes), between July 22 and this doctor visit, I spotted a scale on the floor... jumped on it and was astounded - turns out, 'that' particular scale was probably on the floor for a reason - I am now suspecting it was not functioning properly.

Anyway - the actual loss has been 19 pounds. It is my intent to make it another 19, a little at a time I suppose, but a slow steady progression is what one should shoot for anyway, NOT large drops and then back up again. I'll say one thing... I am grateful I/we both like salads, and I am also glad I like vinegar and oil, cause we are ingesting allot of salad these days. I particularly like a nice New York strip steak grilled and sliced on top of my salad. YUM!

Saturday, October 15, 2005

Staged Video Conference

Wow~ "you" mean to tell "me", they rehearse what they are going to talk about???? Holy cow!!!
1) At my place of employ, when an auditor is coming, we are told in advance a list of questions to be ready to answer.
2) Every single TV show you watch (unless live) has a list they go over 'before' the show starts, to include telling the guests what to 'expect'.
3) Newcasters cannot give us the news straight up - they have to read it from a teleprompter. 'You' can do what they do very easily.
This is such a non-story I can't believe it; I suppose the fact they let it be televised is dumb, but it certainly is not out of the norm of day to day operations. Nobody wants to look bad, e.g. the truth is never 'unvarnished' these days. Needs that glossy appearance of being spontaneous, when in fact it is rehearsed. The do get caught on occasion - NBC had a woman reporter shown in a canoe, supposedly paddling in the beg flood in the east... the problem? Two people walked by in obviously ankle deep water... since this was live TV, they got caught, and of course said they were not trying to deceive 'anyone'. Ha ha and on to the next story.

Karl Rove

One thing and one thing only - "IF" he did it, and The President does not get rid of him, I will be surprised. Something smells yet about this story, and while I know the media 'hopes' ole Karl did it, I'm not prepared to dump him overboard.... YET.

Monday, October 03, 2005

This'n That

Tom Delay
If he is proven guilty, cut him loose.

Supreme Court Nominee
Don't know much about her but, a few thoughts.
1) I want so badly to believe The President knows her leanings. First of all, there is not much one can do about it, and second of all, as always, it is a crap shoot. NOBODY knows how she will cast her votes within the court... at least not yet.
2) It will be known before mid term elections whether or not The President made a mistake. There are too many cases of import coming up that will reveal the nominees real philosophy.
3) "IF" she is a replicate of Justice O'Connor, I beleive the republican party will pay dearly in both the mid-term elections in 2006 and the next general election.
4) Were you to look back in Oct of 2000, and again in Oct of 2004, you would see 'my' feelings on the import of the pick. NOTHING matters more than the opportunity to appoint one to The Supreme Court.
5) Me personally? I will reserve judgement on the judicial nominee... I want to believe in my president!! Period.
6) When Mssrs. Reid and Schummer speak glowingly, umm, I git worried. ( :

Sunday, October 02, 2005

The Art of Losing Weight :(

Well, it is as I have always suspected... less intake = less weight! How very revealing... tis not easy, but when one is forced one usually will take action. In my case I get diagnosed with Type II diabetes and it forces one to do 'something'.

So, I have been on a regime of exercise and watching very closely the carbohydrate intake. Not counting calories at this time, just slowing the intake of carbs. Went to a dietician who looked over what I had been eating for a typical week. She said the food was good and balanced, I was just eating too much of it... :( She allowed me 2200 calories per day, 60 carbs per meal with 30 carbs in between.... 'very rarely' do I eat the 30 in between, and generally try and hold my meal to around 45 carbs. In addition to that I have been focused on walking - it has paid off... the weight is melting away and it is something I've needed to do for aloooong time.

I do go back to the doctor on October 14th I believe it is - I am looking forward to climbing on 'her' scale to get a true reading. While I won't tell what I began at, I will reveal the number of pounds lost. :) Better to keep 'some' things quiet doncha think?

Bottom line is, I feel better... I do test my sugar right at six times per day... commencing with 22 July forward, and the results are very encouraging. I hope I can keep the fortitude for the rest of my natural life. :) The push-a-way method is indeed, as always known, the best way to lose the weight.