John Smyzer's Ramblings

Sunday, October 23, 2005


I've written many times regarding the appointment of justices to The Supreme Court of The United States (SCOTUS) - I've always thought, and still do believe it is the president's perrogitive on whom he appoints. I think I said that when he appointed Ms. Meirs. I have read and seen enough dissension on the politcal right that the appointment is giving me pause for thought.

Were the dissension only coming from the extreme right (I hate that descriptive), then I would not be concerned at all, however, many conservitives I consider middle of the road are upset with this nomination... again, their being concerned has gotten my attention and gives me pause for thought.

I guess in the end, if she withdraws, is voted down, or for some other reason not seated, then the 'next' nominee could still be one of the 'knowns' (at least in peoples minds). And 'that' my friend is the real issue here... NOBODY knows how any of them will vote in the final analysis.... and I do mean NOBODY!!! That is and has been the main reason for 'my' sticking with Ms. Meirs... if you believe that President Bush knows her and her philosophy, then there is a certain amount of trust in the pick.


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