John Smyzer's Ramblings

Sunday, September 04, 2005


So today, I made a valiant attempt to watch the morning neews shows; I knew I shouldn't, but could not resist. Tim Russert who I normally enjoy watching was a bombastic obnoxious asshole! The tone of voice while interviewing the homeland security secretary just made me want to strike the TV.

Here's the deal - you can not make these things go perfect... there were, there will be mistakes made. It is like a war. One can NOT dictate what will happen in a war. Regardless, were the media to just as a pointed but polite question, they might just get a whole heck of allot farter in determining the real issues at hand.

And finally, tonight I watched the opening of 60 Minutes - Scott Pelley was interviewing the mayor of New Orleans - do you think perhaps ole Scott might just (politely of course) ask the mayor why all those school busses were not staged to remove peopel during the evacuation? Nope... those buses were in a sea of water and the mayor was free to blame the federal government, specificially the presiden of these United States for some of 'his' failures. Nobody seems to be questioning him. That's OK.

Today, I don't care if I am the only one in America - I believe the governments response was magnificent; I flew my flag today and silently saluted in honor of the responders.


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