John Smyzer's Ramblings

Friday, September 02, 2005

The Tradgedy

Fri Sep-02-2005 04:38

Some passing thoughts on the tradgedy in the southern United States.

It literally amazes me how the relief efforts are being criticized, ridiculed, in a manner that makes one think 'nothing' is being done. Anyone with any logistics experience can see the massive task and how much has already and will continue to be poured into the area.

Why wasn't the National Guard there sooner they ask... immediately is what they mean, and just think about that for a minute. They could in fact dropped thousands of guard troops 'almost' immediately, but had that happened, those guard toops would have become part of the problem. The logistics of dropping people in requires supplies for THEM or they become part of the same problem they are going to assist in resolving.

Bush was on vacation and did not respond immediately they say. For crap sake... he declared it a disaster area before the hurricane even hit!!! Absolutely, positively before the levee broke!

Upon his early return to Washington, The President made a low pass over the disaster - why is he wasting fuel for a photo op they said? Others saying, why hasn't he let the people know he 'cares' - he hasn't been here. Makes me want to vomit!

I can only say this... there are heroic things happening there... this country has shown its strength in the quck response to this disaster. Has it been perfect? NO. Has it ever happened before? NO, not to this extent. Will it happen again? Maybe, who's to say; all "I" know is, and this has nothing to do with President Bush, President Clinton, or President whoever! The relief efforts have been, will be, and will continue to be to the best of this countries ability.


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