John Smyzer's Ramblings

Monday, September 26, 2005

More Aftermath

I'm sure the following information will be broadcast far and wide (NOT). It is indeed some of the aftermath of the tradgedy we called Hurricane Katrina.
The raping, the pillaging, babies dying, we knew it because the broadcast media told us... some even reported some cannabilism... Wow! Not something we would expect in the good ole U.S.A. was it?

So I'm at dinner the other night with my entire family - dinner was excellent... good Nebraska beef - daughter somehow got the conversation onto the poor handling of the Katrina situation. I guess if you've read any of my thoughts on the subject, I have 'praised' the resposne... she talked about the raping and the dying... I said, not even ONE person died of starvation... hungry? Yup... hey, I'm huingry as I type this, but I'm sure not in danger of dying... arrgh. Anyway, my parting shot to daughter was... the truth will come out in the end... 'her' parting shot was' YOU BET!!!! Somehow I was saddened that my daughter had bought into the pap spread by themedia.

Regardless, I offer the following link - you don't have to read too far to realize just what an enemy our media is... further after Rita was not such a disaster as anticipated, the media says, well Bush really learned his lesson... the response was mucho betta!!! What a sham. Here is unvarnished truth people. There was no comparison between Katrina and Rita.... 'and' if another Katrina comes along, there will be mass confusion precisely like there was with her predecessor. It was 'The Big One' for crying in the sink. Anyway, I offer up this link. Good read.


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