Katrina Finale
While I do realize the people will be coping with the aftermath of Katrina for years, I am going to make my final comments on the situation as I see it.
The press in general, and most TV networks all believe the repsonse was a failure. What intrigues me is the descriptives they use to describe Katrina... words like apocalyptic, greatest disaster in history etc., and then in the next breath expect the response to be immediate.
First of all, this event should not be political - it is a given that it is... accordingly, no point in belaboring that point. I just want whomever may read this to consider the magnitude of what the government did, and how quickly they did it... the sad part to me is this... in the final analysis - those normal day to day folks who had jobs, just normal slobs like myself living their daily lives... they heeded the warnings, they got off their butts and evacuated - 'those' folks are now running up large credit card bills just trying to stay afloat. "THEY" will be the ones hurt in the end.
For the rest? They should be on their knees thanking the good Lord above they live in The United States of America. This government's response will be deemed historic after all the bluster from the politicians has finally blown out. Having said that, once the magnitude of the response is finally realized, the next part will begin... I don't have this, I don't have that, the government is not doing enough. Sometimes I do get depressed about the whole situation - yelling at the TV has not worked so far - I wonder if turning it off will.
Anonymous, at 6:40 PM
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