Last Night's Speech
I listened to the president speak last night... I guess I am continually struck by a common thread. I understand people not agreeing with him on 'any' proposal. But if it is a proposal to try and do 'something' about an issue, just disagreeing does not seem to be adequate.
The president is and has pushed private accounts with a percentage of the monies one contributes to social security. While I have 'never' heard him say that is the ONLY thing he would do to attempt a fix of the program, it IS a portion of what he wants to do. Whether you agree or disagree, please give some input as to 'your' proposals.
What seems most interesting to me is the fact that both sides agree there is a problem coming in the out years. Everybody agrees with that; the disagreement seems to be how soon the train is going to hit us. Nowhere else it seems to me does everybody agree there is a problem and fight about doing something to fix the problem.
One more time... me personally? I could care less if they ever fix it - I will be pushing up daisies by the time the real crunch comes. And I'm not one that sits around and worries about my children or my grandchildren. In fact if my last nickel is spent the day I check out, so be it. But those charged with the task of overseeing the laws and programs of this country should be willing to do something to fix the problem they all agree is coming.
On energy I thought the president's proposal to use old military bases to build some new refineries literally jumped off his lips into my ears. Will it happen? Doubt it. But, when one considers the 'fact' there have been no new refineries built in this country in over 30 years.... if you then believe that the current refineries we have are running at 95% + of their capacity... how in the sam hill can you expect there to be more gas in the pipeline if you can't refine it? Duh, dat don maka no cents ta me. People don't want the 'expected' pollution a new refinery would bring to their community. The government has to convince a community or two that with new advances in pollution control, the advantages are greater than the disadvantages.