John Smyzer's Ramblings

Tuesday, December 28, 2004

Ophra Winfrey

I dunno, she does do allot of good, let there be no doubt about that fact, but sometimes I get so very tired of her.
Today for example, the thesis was to go around the world and show the average 30 year old woman and a little about her daily life. While they may not have specifically stated average, it certainly was implied going into the show.
So we get for the most part, elite from each country. I only 'wish' they would have shown the 'average' in some of the countries they visited. As it was, the show was a constant barrage against American women... I would venture to say, going way out on a limb here, 'had' they shown average women from those countries, the response would have been a whole lot different. By showing the elite, they were quite content living in splendor.
One does have to remember they 'are' watching television, but I so wish they would show an honest portrayal. And, btw, I doubt you will see an exodus of American 30ish women heading to those illustrious countries. While there are wonderful places to visit in many many countries, the good ole U.S.A. looks pretty doggone good to me having gone and come several times. And for the record, I enjoyed 'all' my visits to Okinawa, to Thailand, and to The Phillipines.

Monday, December 27, 2004

Christmas 2004 Pictures

It has been a spell since I posted here I see - well, I've been busy. Here is a link to pictures I took during Christmas Eve at Michelle and Bill's house.
1) Click on pictures on the left side of the page. You will see a group of pictures. There are seven pages of pictures... access different pages via the drop down arrow. :)

Friday, December 17, 2004

Foul Mood

Dadgummit! I'm in a rather foul mood today. Doesn't seem right, but I'm so tired of people picking on Don Rumsfield; I'm so tired of taking the real meaning out of this season... just puts me in a foul mood.

The congress ganging up on Rusfield sickens me. Lets start off by conceding Rumsfield's reply to the troop 'seemed' callous. The real issue is, he (Rummy) gave an honest answer. Holy Cow! An honest answer. The fricking congress are the ones who control the purse strings. Always have, always will. If they wanna build more humvees with armour go git it done!

The congress is talking about the next wave of base closings. They hope the bases overseas will be the ones to go. Wonder why that is... umm do you suppose it is because they don't want the ones in 'their' state closed? Hmmm???? And, they don't want to make the decision either. They want a fricking commission to make the decision. Yellow lily livered buzzards they are, they do NOT want to be on the record as picking a base in their yard. But they will blame all the problems in Iraq on Rummy in a heart beat.

Same thing with this new super director of intelligence... phoniest thing I've ever seen or heard. The President signed it this morning... do YOU feel safer? Nay nay I say. And the only reason they rushed this crappy bill through is so those lily livered law makers will have someone to point a finger at. They are YELLOW. This bill has put another layer of malarkey in place, but they DO have someone to point a finger at. Sickening.

To top it all off, we went to my grandson's school holiday season program last night. I say holiday, cause it sure was not remotely related to Christmas!!! Oh they had a Santa Claus, a Mrs. Claus etc., but not even ONE mention of Jesus, not even one Christmas carol... one of the most pathetic things I've encountered in my life. The left is winning in this country in my mind. I have never been one to flout my faith; I do believe in the true meaning of this season. I am disturbed greatly by what is happening in this country.

There! I feel better!!

Tuesday, December 14, 2004

Mr. Kerick

What a fiasco! The sad part? He was probably better qualified for the position than anyone in this country· The big loser? Probably Rudy... his reputation was on the line.... it correlates to something I've said for years. If you ask me to give you a recommendation, you had better be prepared for me to tell the truth. Why? Because if I recomend you for something, it is now "MY" reputation on the line.

The White House blew it on this one though. Someone has to take responsibility and in my mind, it is indeed The White House. The press are hypocrites as it pertains to this issue. Immediately upon naming Mr. Kerick, the press was lapping him up... regards the wonderful appointment Mr. Bush had made. Now he is scum of the earth in their mind. I don't really know what to think of them (the press), anymore. It seems to me they are just too transparent.

Sunday, December 05, 2004

The Individual Ready Reserve [Again}

I talked about this some time ago... tonight there was a segment on 60 minutes on this issue. I'm still not sure I know all I should regarding the issue, but one thing I do know. This segment embarrassed me for what it showed this country is doing to those who have [done their duty]!

A 55 year old lady who hasn't been on duty for I don't know HOW long, but over 10 years. Calling back commissioned officers because they did not read the fine print and 'resign' when they had finished their commitment(s)... even some who 'had' done the right thing and resigned their commission upon discharge. Something really smells in this issue.

Once again, these folks are mucho different than those in the active reserves and national guard type. These folks signed up, did their time, got out and went about their lives... now, in some cases 10-15 years later they get the call??? Sounds bogus to me, and I am ashamed it is happening.

Thursday, December 02, 2004

The Oil Crisis

Isn't it strange how nobody is talking about the falling price of oil. Initially, say about springtime past, people were saying The President would be making a deal with the Saudis to bring the price of oil down so as to influence the election, cuz he's an oil man ya know... well, as we 'all' know, the price of oil was higher than a kite at election time. Fella might think the Sauds wanted Mister Kerry elected.

Now, oil has dropped $9.00 bucks a barrel in the past two weeks. Not a word from nobody. I dunno... I just want to 'know' if The President is an oil man or not!!! And I don't mean perhaps!!

Btw, I'm not saying that part of the reason we might be over there is the oil fields... having said that, I 'do' wish The United States would go to an alternative source of fuel... a concerted effort if you will, then just sort of let the sand blow in the mideast.

Wednesday, December 01, 2004

Legislation in Congress

Dunno bout the rest of you, but I am sick and tired of hearing the two congressmen being hammered about holding up the terrorism legislation. Baloney. Why anyone even remotely interested in good legislation should be for the provisions those two, Hunter and Sensembrenner are supporting.

It seems to me the drivers license issue for illegals is very very basic. For crying in the sink, some of those 9/11 boyz had up to 60 drivers licenses (EACH). Now if you are going to write a bill, as a legislator, would you not put the easiest to correct "IN" the bill? The border security issue might be compromised to come back at on a later date, but this drivers license thing is basic.

And another thing. I am doubly sick of only hearing on the mainstream media from the 9/11 families that oppose the administration. There are a good number who indeed do support them, but they do not seem to get on the big boyz newscasts. Makes me wanna wretch sometimes. And, since when do we let private citizens write the legislation? Hmmm?