John Smyzer's Ramblings

Wednesday, December 01, 2004

Legislation in Congress

Dunno bout the rest of you, but I am sick and tired of hearing the two congressmen being hammered about holding up the terrorism legislation. Baloney. Why anyone even remotely interested in good legislation should be for the provisions those two, Hunter and Sensembrenner are supporting.

It seems to me the drivers license issue for illegals is very very basic. For crying in the sink, some of those 9/11 boyz had up to 60 drivers licenses (EACH). Now if you are going to write a bill, as a legislator, would you not put the easiest to correct "IN" the bill? The border security issue might be compromised to come back at on a later date, but this drivers license thing is basic.

And another thing. I am doubly sick of only hearing on the mainstream media from the 9/11 families that oppose the administration. There are a good number who indeed do support them, but they do not seem to get on the big boyz newscasts. Makes me wanna wretch sometimes. And, since when do we let private citizens write the legislation? Hmmm?


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