John Smyzer's Ramblings

Sunday, December 05, 2004

The Individual Ready Reserve [Again}

I talked about this some time ago... tonight there was a segment on 60 minutes on this issue. I'm still not sure I know all I should regarding the issue, but one thing I do know. This segment embarrassed me for what it showed this country is doing to those who have [done their duty]!

A 55 year old lady who hasn't been on duty for I don't know HOW long, but over 10 years. Calling back commissioned officers because they did not read the fine print and 'resign' when they had finished their commitment(s)... even some who 'had' done the right thing and resigned their commission upon discharge. Something really smells in this issue.

Once again, these folks are mucho different than those in the active reserves and national guard type. These folks signed up, did their time, got out and went about their lives... now, in some cases 10-15 years later they get the call??? Sounds bogus to me, and I am ashamed it is happening.


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