John Smyzer's Ramblings

Thursday, December 02, 2004

The Oil Crisis

Isn't it strange how nobody is talking about the falling price of oil. Initially, say about springtime past, people were saying The President would be making a deal with the Saudis to bring the price of oil down so as to influence the election, cuz he's an oil man ya know... well, as we 'all' know, the price of oil was higher than a kite at election time. Fella might think the Sauds wanted Mister Kerry elected.

Now, oil has dropped $9.00 bucks a barrel in the past two weeks. Not a word from nobody. I dunno... I just want to 'know' if The President is an oil man or not!!! And I don't mean perhaps!!

Btw, I'm not saying that part of the reason we might be over there is the oil fields... having said that, I 'do' wish The United States would go to an alternative source of fuel... a concerted effort if you will, then just sort of let the sand blow in the mideast.


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