John Smyzer's Ramblings

Tuesday, December 28, 2004

Ophra Winfrey

I dunno, she does do allot of good, let there be no doubt about that fact, but sometimes I get so very tired of her.
Today for example, the thesis was to go around the world and show the average 30 year old woman and a little about her daily life. While they may not have specifically stated average, it certainly was implied going into the show.
So we get for the most part, elite from each country. I only 'wish' they would have shown the 'average' in some of the countries they visited. As it was, the show was a constant barrage against American women... I would venture to say, going way out on a limb here, 'had' they shown average women from those countries, the response would have been a whole lot different. By showing the elite, they were quite content living in splendor.
One does have to remember they 'are' watching television, but I so wish they would show an honest portrayal. And, btw, I doubt you will see an exodus of American 30ish women heading to those illustrious countries. While there are wonderful places to visit in many many countries, the good ole U.S.A. looks pretty doggone good to me having gone and come several times. And for the record, I enjoyed 'all' my visits to Okinawa, to Thailand, and to The Phillipines.


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