John Smyzer's Ramblings

Friday, December 17, 2004

Foul Mood

Dadgummit! I'm in a rather foul mood today. Doesn't seem right, but I'm so tired of people picking on Don Rumsfield; I'm so tired of taking the real meaning out of this season... just puts me in a foul mood.

The congress ganging up on Rusfield sickens me. Lets start off by conceding Rumsfield's reply to the troop 'seemed' callous. The real issue is, he (Rummy) gave an honest answer. Holy Cow! An honest answer. The fricking congress are the ones who control the purse strings. Always have, always will. If they wanna build more humvees with armour go git it done!

The congress is talking about the next wave of base closings. They hope the bases overseas will be the ones to go. Wonder why that is... umm do you suppose it is because they don't want the ones in 'their' state closed? Hmmm???? And, they don't want to make the decision either. They want a fricking commission to make the decision. Yellow lily livered buzzards they are, they do NOT want to be on the record as picking a base in their yard. But they will blame all the problems in Iraq on Rummy in a heart beat.

Same thing with this new super director of intelligence... phoniest thing I've ever seen or heard. The President signed it this morning... do YOU feel safer? Nay nay I say. And the only reason they rushed this crappy bill through is so those lily livered law makers will have someone to point a finger at. They are YELLOW. This bill has put another layer of malarkey in place, but they DO have someone to point a finger at. Sickening.

To top it all off, we went to my grandson's school holiday season program last night. I say holiday, cause it sure was not remotely related to Christmas!!! Oh they had a Santa Claus, a Mrs. Claus etc., but not even ONE mention of Jesus, not even one Christmas carol... one of the most pathetic things I've encountered in my life. The left is winning in this country in my mind. I have never been one to flout my faith; I do believe in the true meaning of this season. I am disturbed greatly by what is happening in this country.

There! I feel better!!


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