John Smyzer's Ramblings

Monday, August 30, 2010

Sundry Things

   I watched much of the Beck event at the Lincoln Memorial.  I watched for several reasons, none important; mainly I wanted to watch because I knew the media would have plenty to say regards the gathering. 

   I must say I was stunned that most in the crowd (you name the number), had complied with the request of ‘No Signs’.  It was an amazing gathering.  Leading up to the event I had heard many predict the turnout would be minimal.  They also scoffed at the makeup of the people who would come.  Well, I for one was pleasantly surprised.  I kept looking for something to complain about.  These were in my opinion, normal Americans.  The pictures from the air were magnificent.

   I later read the write-ups from major media regards the numbers from Beck vs. Sharpton. It was amazing.  The simply did not want to admit the number of people who showed up for Beck.  I watched Morning Joe this morning to see their reaction.  They were some who had negatively talked about the event leading up to it happening.  They were somewhat contrite if I do say so.  I think they are beginning to feel, actually feel what is happening in this political year.  None of us know of course, but it is beginning to look like a sea change is coming.  Time will tell.

   Many know of my disdain for the way the media blamed President Bush and his administration for their response to Katrina.  I “FINALLY” heard someone speak truth.  Granted it was some local yahoo from Naw Leans who said it, but it is the truth.  He said the following: “if the levees had not broken, today we would have been saying, what was the name of that storm five years ago?”  Now THAT is truth nobody wants to admit. 

   In an interview with Brian Williams,  President Obama says he ignored the Beck rally – methinks even if he did, he maybe shouldn’t be so flippant about it.  I’m thinking there is a reason for the turnout.  A real reason.  Is it November yet? 

Thursday, August 26, 2010

The Palin Affect

   No matter what they say, Sarah has had an impact in who she backs in the various political races around the country.

   This does NOT change my mind on her national possibilities.  While I don’t  disagree with most of her views, I maintain it is her delivery.  I think her voice grates on people. 

   So it is interesting to watch national media yak about Sarah’s affect on the various races. Leading up to this weeks primaries, they had said she was no longer a factor.  Methinks she disproved this thesis once again.  The lady ‘can’ stir up a crowd.

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

This’n That

   I have heard ‘several’ different commentators talk about the fact President Bush 43 should talk about the ground zero mosque issue.  I refer to it as ground zero intentionally since there are those who want to ‘not’ mention the words ground zero and mosque in the same sentence.  Regardless, after these people have hammered President Bust for more than eight years, when President Obama gets into a tight spot they want his help?  They are scum in my eyes. I even heard one excuse President Clinton for not publically speaking about the issue because his wife is Secretary of State.  Oh well – guess one should be used to it by now.

   It rained all weekend at Martha’s Vineyard. What a dirty rotten shame.

   It looks like McCain will be once again elected in Arizona.  That is why, I, will take a deep breath and not believe a turnover in Congress until I see it as fact.  In my humble opinion, McCain will be doubly dangerous once he is reelected.  This undoubtedly will be his last last (thank God), election.  He will be doubly dangerous ‘knowing’ he has nobody to answer to.  Very sad. 

   I keep hearing little rumbles about whether or not The President will run for reelection.  Let me say it again… regardless whether or not he does, ‘he’ has accomplished more that will define ‘YOUR’ and ‘your children’s’ future than any president I can think of.  And he’s not even half way through his first term. 

   I see our lady Shirley has turned down the new job at the Department of Agriculture.  She says she still intends to sue Breitbart though.  I look forward to that issue. 

   Just to warm you up to the ‘tolerance’ of Sharia Law: Just watch it if you have the stomach.  But doggone it, be tolerant.

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Lest There Be Any Doubt

   Lest there be ‘any’ doubt… Sheriff Joe Arpaio is a hero of mine.  May the good Lord protect you Joe.

   Lest there be ‘any’ doubt, I am against the building of the mosque close to ground zero.  Further, I could care less if you cannot understand the reasons for my feelings.

   Lest there be ‘any’ doubt, President Obama has accomplished more in his first two years than most any President I can think of.  I don’t agree with much of any he has accomplished, but the fact is, this President has impacted this country for decades to come. And NOT in a good way.  He and his cohorts have had to resort to going against public opinion, but then, the American people know nothing, so… the simple fact is, even if he is a one term President, we are in deep doo doo from what he has accomplished.

   Lest there be ‘any’ doubt, for ‘The Left’ to lecture me about religious tolerance is an insult.  We can’t pray in public schools, We can’t have a nativity scene in public places or we get sued.  We can’t even say Merry Christmas.  Bull Pucky!!! And they want to use the ‘tolerance’ for the mosque?   They are fools. 

   Lest there be ‘any’ doubt, I am STILL looking for the shovel ready projects the administration said were ready when they passed the fricking stimulus.  Had they done that, they probably would not be in the shape they are today.  When is the last time you heard ‘shovel ready’?  You heard it every dadgummed day when they were pining for the stimulus… now?  Notta!!!  They have in my mind squandered the monies.

   Lest there be ‘any’ doubt, I still believe the economy will recover in SPITE of what Washington does.  This Republic is stronger than anything Washington can dish up.  The people ‘will’ take it back and make it right.  I ‘do’ believe in the economy of this country even though my retirement funds have been riddled.  And, by the way, I am NOT blaming Bush.  For anyone to say Bush created all of this is to give him more credit than is humanly possible for any one man, or any one administration.

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Thoughts on Various Subjects

   Tom Delay six years later: So after six years, the government just says ‘we are sorry, no case here’?  This is disgusting no matter which side of the political scale you line up on.  Were I ‘The Hammer’, I think I’d be suing for lawyer’s costs and a whole lot more!! Total disgust.

   The mosque issue: In my opinion it is all about perceptions.  What do ‘you’ perceive when you think of 9/11?  Common decency, or should I say just plain common sense dictates it be built ‘away’ from ground zero.  Let us put it another way.  Should we have a Japanese place of worship where the Arizona went down?  Should we have a shrine to Hitler at Auschwitz?  Should the KKK be able to open a meeting hall by a monument to Martin Luther King?  Just wondering.  Should we be able to have a nativity scene at the White House?  Oh, you say we can’t?  Hmmm.

   By the way – I do realize the potential mosque is at least two city blocks away from ground zero.  Again, it is perceptions that count here in my own mind.  In fact, I suspect if it is approved, they may have a hard time getting American workers to build the structure. 

   Do I believe if the Republican Party takes over Congress things will get better?  Perhaps, but they will have to prove it to me.  I’ve been sucked in before.  People forget that Congress has been run by the Democrat Party since 2007 – they think just because there was a Republican President, the elephants are at fault.  The DONKEYS have had the purse strings since 2007, period.  Before that, yes indeed the elephants had them and they failed as far as I am concerned, but it is getting worse.  One can only ‘hope’ incoming lawmakers of whichever party have gotten the message.  I will have to see it to believe it though.

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Just Wondering

   All this talk about not allowing children born here to automatically be United States citizens got me to wondering about the issue. So, being the nitwit I am, I opened up my copy of the Constitution of the United States of America and began to read abit.

   September 17th 1787 – this  is the date of the original document. If I’m reading it correctly, it was ratified on 4 March, 1789.  <THEN> it was amended.  The 14th amendment was ratified on 9  July 1868.  It does indeed talk about all persons who are born here are citizens of these United States. There is no question regarding those words or, in my mind, their intent.

   Nowhere in the document does it talk about the parents being in this country illegally.  And this  is where I have my question. 

   If the original Constitution was indeed amended, what is to say it cannot be amended again to address this issue?  I say it can – do I expect it to happen in my lifetime?  No!  All I’m saying is, it is possible.

Monday, August 02, 2010

Passing Thoughts on Various Topics

  I am hearing more and more politicians in the democrat party talking about how letting the Bush tax cuts expire will hurt the economy.  Doncha wonder how that could be?  I mean, if they ‘hurt’ the economy when the economy was good, why wouldn’t getting rid of them now be ‘good’?  Sumpin not making sense until you FINALLY realize it was all about class warfare.  And a lie.

   So the drug cartels now have a million dollar bounty on the head of Sheriff Joe.  Yup, that is what we want in this country. Total chaos. I have never been armed in civilian life.  It may be time.  Granted, this is an alleged threat.  It does make sense based on what is transpiring just across the border.  And just in case anyone wonders – Sheriff Joe is a hero of mine.

   Where is Shirley?  As in Ms. Sherrod?  Man I hope she follows through with her lawsuit agin Mr. Breitbart.  Methinks before this is all settled, the general populace will begin to understand what I perceive to be the truth about Ms. Shirley.  And I ‘still’ do not condone Breitbart’s method of releasing the video.  But I will guarantee you, ‘she’ is not as ‘she’ has been portrayed. 

   No matter what one thinks of The President’s standing these days, you have to admit he has gotten allot accomplished in less than two years.  Most of it, taxpaying Americans will not like in the end.  Takers will like it as long as it lasts.  And since the takers have approached fifty percent, it is going to be very difficult to get rid of much of the changes.  Especially if the takers vote. Just reality folks. Obama the candidate told us what Obama the president would do. He said he wanted to be a transformative president. He told us his administration would be all about fundamentally transforming America. But it seems not many of the people who hoped for change were listening except to the hope and change part.