John Smyzer's Ramblings

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Wandering Aimlessly Downstream

   So I read this morning that the dreaded BP who was coerced out of $20B by the administration is taking nearly a $10B tax write-off.  This means, btw, YOU and ME. Now, before you all go off wetting yourself with indignation, take a moment to realize how BP is able to do this deed.  Can you say Congress?  Who writes these laws?  BP is doing nothing wrong according to the crooks who wrote the laws.

   Count me as one who will NOT buy the new Chevy Volt.  First of all, I stated previously I’d never buy another GM vehicle since the freaking bailout.  Second of all I read this morning this puppy will go 40 louse miles on it’s battery.  Course it has a gas tank that will take you over 300 miles, but when I get it home to charge, it will probably take at least 2-3 hours to do that deed.  And just in case you are wondering, electricity is gonna go up like a lightening bolt (pun intended).

   They are eating fish from the Gulf again.  Umm, I thought this was gonna last for YEARS!!!! YEARS you fools!!!!  

   Have to laugh at Ole John Kerry.  Once again, he has done ‘nothing’ wrong according to tax law written by the crooks in D.C., ‘but’, the atmosphere they have created is gonna force him to pay in Massachusetts.  Poetic justice I’d say.  Get mad if you want, but ‘by law’, he’s doing nothing wrong, or should I say ‘was doing nothing wrong’.  What a wicked web we live in these days.

   Just released a few moments ago – the judge in AZ has blocked the most controversial part of SB1070.  November cannot come quick enough… I suspect this ruling is going to energize even more the vote ‘against’ this regime.  “Yes We Can”!

Monday, July 26, 2010

Various Thoughts Along The Way

   Tony Hayward:  BP is evidently going to accept the resignation of ole Tony.  Now, doncha feel lots better?  Are the fisherman now whole?  Are the restaurant operators feeling better?  Doubt it.  I’m just saying.  Do you think Tony will suffer?  Nope – he will sail off into the blue yonder ‘getting his life back’. 

    Shirley Sherrod:  And you are  telling me she does not show up on even ONE Sunday talk show?  Methinks that is quite curious.  They (the media) do NOT want you to know the real Shirley.  Ha ha.   You cannot tell me all the hullabaloo this past week and then she does not show up anywhere.  Just saying.

   The Wikileaks issue:  Methinks I will be quiet for a spell on this issue.  Something surely does smell though.  I will guaran-dang-tee one and all it was a concerted effort by someone to come up with that many documents.  Nobody did it alone.

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Ms. Sherrod

   I am not too sure what to make of this story.  This is my opinion – I think Andrew Breitbart could have accomplished the same thing by saying up front the video was twenty four years old. 

   I have heard his explanation and it so happens I think I understand his reasoning, but, I don’t think he had to do it the way he did. 

   The bigger story is why the administration threw Ms. Sherrod under the bus ‘before’ at least hearing her explanation.  Making her resign via her Black Berry while on the road?  Unbelievable, then again, perhaps not.

   I have said in the past, and this story brings it up yet again – racism in this country has been set back twenty years with the election of President Obama – not because he is black, but because of the way he, and I do mean The President, incites.  And we as a nation had come so far.  Sad to watch.

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Daily Gobble-de-Goop

   Bob Shieffer (Face The Nation) interviewed General Holder, our esteemed Attorney General recently.  He neglected to ask even one question regarding the Black Panther Voter intimidation in Philly.  When asked why, he stated: “I was on vacation that week. This happened — apparently, it got very little publicity. And, you know, I just didn’t know about it.”

   That answer is disgraceful – Mr. Shieffer works for one of the major news organizations in this country.  Are you telling me ‘somebody’ did not brief him going in as to what might be appropriate to ask the General?  I’m just saying.  The subject is ‘Journolist’ – does anyone <think> some of us needed any confirmation on this?  If you are aware even a little bit, you knew.

Monday, July 19, 2010

The Library of Congress

   There is a wealth of information on this website.  IAMADUMMY, but I did go to at least the fourth grade somewhere along the line.  This is about healthcare that is a coming like a freight train down the track.  This is a link to a summary of  H.R. 3590, and in particular how they are going to fund this puppy.  Once you get to this page, search for “(Sec. 9002)” without the quotation marks.  Ladies and gentlemen of the jury, we are in for a rude awakening.  If your buttocks do not clench after reading 9002, 9003… you might oughta check your pulse.  You may already be gone! Every paragraph you read is about taking in revenue – read as T A X E S.  But not if you make less than $250K – ha ha ha ha ha ha ha.

   My own belief is we are too far into this fiasco to repeal it in toto regardless the outcome of the November elections. 

   Fight organized crime!  Re-elect no one. <

Trickle Down Economics  I ‘wonder’ if this means the term ‘trickle down’ is real.  We heard about the disdain for this term for many years.  Seems ‘The Times’ now realizes it is indeed a truism.

One may as well face another truism.  There will always be rich (at least considered so), within our society.  What is rich to one is poor to another.  But ‘trickle down’ seems so very apparent to even the most closed mind.

Sunday, July 18, 2010

Random Thoughts Along The Way

   Does it seem to you we in this country are closer and closer to racial tensions boiling over?  Does to me.  I hope you all attended your place of worship today and ‘listened’ to ‘YOUR’ Rev. Wright.  (or Wrong) whichever the case may be.  Joe Biden says he does not think the democrats will lose too many seats come November.  For ‘our’ sake, I hope he is wrong.  Regardless what you think personally about the policies being implemented, I don’t think I’ve ever seen so many things passed that the ‘people’ are opposed to.  We shall see.  No prognosticator I.  And you all thought nobody making less than 250K would get a tax increase.  Oh me oh my, the more I read on this issue alone, the more frightening it becomes.  And the sad truth is, things will be revealed for years because the <LAW MAKERS> did not even read it when they passed the doggone thing. Very sad indeed.

   I don’t much care if The President ‘stays’ on vacation.  The more he’s out of Washington the better off we should be.  I have talked time and again about how successful President Obama is in his class warfare spewing.  This fellow <Victor Davis Hanson> has it right.  I’ve never understood it, and I know I never will.  Good read.

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Rambling Down River Belly Up

   Bob Shieffer (CBS) interviewed General Holder this past Sunday.  Never asked even one question regards the Black Panther case. You are kidding, right?

   Do you think it is a coincidence the President’s commission for ‘cutting’ reveal their results ‘after’ the election in November? If you do, you are naive.   My guess is, the administration will cram as absolute much as they can through until the new Congress takes office.  At that point, the commission will release their results and a new Congress will have to make some ‘hard’ decisions.  Guess who the makeup of that new Congress will be.  I guess the White House had decided Muslim outreach is NOT the job of NASA.  I guess the fellow just made it up.  From ‘The Canada Free Press’ -  I encourage you to read the similarities between King George of England and President Obama’s actions today. Very interesting stuff. 

Thursday, July 08, 2010

Observations Along The Way

   Those dadgummed Republicans – not approving another extension of unemployment.  Course what the press simply will not tell you is, they are not against extending it, they just want it paid for.  It is the classic battle of either just adding to the deficit, or cutting ‘something’, ‘anything’ and sliding it over to extending unemployment.  Please stick to your guns!!  And you my little puppies did not think your taxes would go up if you made less than $250K.  Ha ha ha ha.  Gotcha.  What seems to be happing in our Justice Department makes the hair on my neck stand up.  When voter intimidation is filmed and observed for all to see, and then nothing is done about it, I am disgusted – period.  If you think General Holder is doing this on his own you are a fool.

   I am going on Medicare in August – my doctor told me today she would retain me as a patient, but will accept NO new Medicare patients.  She did not mince any words as to the reason(s) why either.

   I think, if James does not stay in Cleveland, he will go to Miami.  By doing so, he will save over $12,000,000 in taxes, as in STATE taxes.   Watcha think???

Tuesday, July 06, 2010

Various and Sundry Thoughts   Your government is now going to begin blocking access for government personnel to specific websites.  The big question – who is going to make the determination, and what is their criteria?  I note ‘porn’ is not one of the listed criteria.  Hmmm.  I’m not too sure what to think of this item.  To me, our going to the moon had significance way beyond actually getting there.  So many things we use today were invented and developed due to research at NASA.  Today, it seems the research part of things is dead, and to me, that is very sad.  But, better relations with the Muslim World?  Right at the top of the list!  And now The President is officially going to sue Arizona. The biggest fallacy of Obama’s speech about immigration was his blaming the Republicans. Speaker Pelosi who has a large majority will not bring immigration to the floor.  The Democrat Party has the majority; they know it can not be brought up as it is being portrayed or they will be destroyed in November.  As it stands, if they just let the turd bob down river, they feel they have a chance.  Sad but true.

Friday, July 02, 2010

In My Opinion

   What is going on with the Administration is no longer by chance.  I suspect President Obama now KNOWS the Democrat party is going to loose at a minimum The House.  At that point he will be talking deficit reduction, saving money etc., and it will be up to the Republicans to make the harsh cuts. 

   I believe it was the plan from the beginning.  He’s crammed all this ‘crap’ down our throats, and somebody is going to have to come in and make some very serious cuts.  Guess who will get the blame.

   The day of reckoning is coming, sooner than we think.  I just hope there are those with courage, because believe me, it is going to be needed.