Friday, October 31, 2008
Monday, October 27, 2008
Spreading The Umm - Whatever
So today I am attending my twice weekly tax course, the name of which will remain nameless at this point. I guess I was feeling abit froggy. A week or so ago, we had the mid-term exam and evidently several failed the test. Mr. Instructor stated they were going to have a retake of the same test in order to allow for getting to the required 80%. That is the premise for today's episode.
I don't even know why, but at break time I said, considering the current atmosphere of spreading the wealth in our political world, I have some extra points accumulated in my quizzes / tests. How about if we just spread our extra points around and thereby allow any and all to pass this heah course.
I was met with stony silence. Perhaps a murmur or two, but otherwise silence. Not quite sure how to interpret the response, but I thought I was doing my part to, shall we say, expose the spread the wealth phenomena going on in this country.
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
I Guess It's Over
Most any poll one hears or looks at shows Mr. Obama in a landslide. I dunno. Speaking for myself I guess one just has to do what they feel is right.
I can honestly say as long ago as the Iowa primary that for a black man to win Iowa says allot. I have, at different times over the months, leaned toward the senator from Illinois. I had hoped to learn more about this man who could inspire an audience so well. Alas, nothing came - one would hear the innuendo about associations with terrorists, with his clergy, etc., but nothing concrete because the media refused to to their due diligence.
We know the media 'can' do investigative reporting because we have watched them dig up anything and everything on Joe The Plumber and Sarah Palin. So we know they can do it, and they didn't even have a head start in their respective cases. In the case of Mr. Obama we have clear videos of William Ayers, we have clear videos of Jeremiah Wright... we have clear video of Mr. Obama telling us what he is going to do to us and no real media follow-up to dig into what the result will be.
Just yesterday I 'finally' heard Mr. Obama concede that many do NOT pay federal income tax. FINALLY - I guess the somebody finally told him he can't give a tax cut to 95% of the people when nearly 40% already do not pay federal income tax. In his concession, he said, oh but they pay withholding and they pay property tax. I hate to be a realist here, but someone who does not pay federal income tax most likely does not have a house to pay property taxes on... oh, I forgot... anyone is entitled to a house... read as Fannie and Freddie. Oh what a wicked web we all weave.
So, in the final analysis, as much as I have disagreed with Mr. McCain over the years, I myself only have one way to go. I cannot in good conscience vote for Mr. Obama. My mother, bless her heart, told me over and over that people will judge you by who you associate with. Mr. Obama's associations over the years leave a chill in my gut. If I had no other reason but one, I would vote for Mr. McCain because of The United States Supreme Court. Talk about chills.
But... I guess it's over. It's OK... I will be able to sleep at night.
The link above will take you to an article in Investors Business Daily. It is an example of what we have to look forward to in our near future I'm afraid, and this plan was just for children.
Stop and think... can you name me one government program that is successful? Before you say Social Security or Medicare, please tell me they are even breaking even. They are in trouble and if you are honest you know this is a fact.
I just find it fascinating this story has gotten almost zero play in the media this country watches. The media has not done due diligence on this election. Period - fact.
Monday, October 13, 2008
Random Thoughts
1) I think Jim Cramer of NBC/MSNBC/CNBC should be fired for malpractice. Telling people last week to pull out of the market after the steep decline. It was a very tough week, let there be no doubt, and it is even tougher if you watch the experts. Here is what you learn if you watch the quote/unquote experts. They are as much in the dark as you and me. I enjoy at times watching panels of experts. If the panel has five members, chances are you will get five different opinions. As I type this, the Dow is up 567 points. All those people who yanked their money out based on Cramer’s advice will not realize these gains. Will these gains hold? Who knows; nobody… that is the only fact. The only thing people have to follow is history, and history tells us the market will recover. The people who pulled out, lost allot on the downswing, lost the gains on the upswing, and if it holds and they re-buy, they lost again because they will have bought for more than they sold for. Sad. By the way, this is the same Cramer who advised his ‘followers’ to buy Bear Stearns. Heard of them lately?
2) I’ve been inundated with calls from pollsters lately. I have decided to become a follower of the democrat party for all future polls. I very politely say I am for ‘The One’, I am for the local democrat Congressman, I am for the democrat party to fix the economy etc. etc. etc. You git the picture. I feel much better when I hang up.
3) I am going to swallow hard and do some bottom fishing in the market. One must have some stones to do so in this environment, but the transfer of funds is in progress. :) Too many bargains out there. I’ve already increased holdings in BUD – people will always need an adult beverage, especially in times line this. <wink>
4) Lest anyone mis-read my intent. Had you gotten out of the market a year ago when it was at 14,000 because you felt things were going to go into the drink, then God Bless you. And if Cramer had said get out then, I would have probably agreed with him.
5) I hate to say I told you so; many times over the months since this campaign began I’ve felt racism has been set back in this country. This began with Hillary and Barrack in ‘their’ campaign. If you can look into the lavatory mirror and say racism is not alive and well in this country, ya may as well sit on the commode and blow it out your hinny. I don’t feel good about it, but it is reality and it is going to get worse. You can see the train coming from waaay off in the distance.
Wednesday, October 08, 2008
Wonderin and Wanderin
Do you realize we have been through two presidential and one veep debate and immigration has not been mentioned even once? Whats up with that? I realize the economy should be stage #1, but not even a mention of immigration? Let alone ILLEGAL immigration.
Labels: politics debate
Friday, October 03, 2008
The V.P. Debate
Loved it - do I think any votes were swayed? Nope. People (in my opinion) have their minds made up. There can always be an October surprise that can sway minds, but in general nothing a Veep candidate has to say is gonna sway anyone.
I do think Sarah's performance was good for women in general. For me, that was the best part. It has been interesting for me to watch other women tear down Ms. Palin ever since she was 'the pick'. Initially they (women) were caught off guard. It did not take long to realize it was not the fact she was a woman, it was the fact she 'is' a republican. Way too transparent to me. I have (at least tried) to treat any woman who worked with and or for me like one of the guys. To me it is and was common sense and it always served me well.
I thought Sarah missed a golden opportunity to plant some sort of seed about the global warming issue. When Joseph said he absolutely believed global warming was a result of man, I myself always wonder why there was an ice age, and then the big thaw. What caused these? I say, while man does indeed contribute to fouling the earth's atmosphere, the natural cycles on this earth are going to happen, period. I wish Palin had nailed Biden on this score.
Anyway, I loved this debate. Tina Fey will still portray Sarah as a dolt as will most of the mainstream. It's OK - she can handle herself and I admire her more than pre-debate, but I don't think even ONE democrat will change their vote, not one.
One other thing... I considered it an insult that pre-debate people were saying Joe had to be on his best behavior so as to not come across as 'talking down' to Sarah. In my gut I was wishing he would have attacked. I suspect you'd have seen her cut his legs off. Ha ha.
Thursday, October 02, 2008
Upcoming House Vote
For me, I absolutely hope the House Republicans and Blue Dawg Democrats tell the Senate to stick this pork filled bill up their anal cavities (plural). I'm not gonna pray for it, I am gonna wish for that result. I don't give a hang if my IRA goes to zero. It is time these yaybirds face reality.
BTW, headline in my local paper today? Nebraska banks have no problem with credit. I just heard a guy call in who got an 8K loan from his bank in Michigan for a new home air conditioner. Another called in saying he'd called five different banks in his locale, asked to speak to the branch manager and then proceeded to ask if he could get a mortgage. "IF" he qualified, all answered in the affirmative. I'm just not buying it... somebody is lying. Dunno who.
Labels: Politics
The Senate Version
Senator McCain's main claim to fame isssss, drum rollllll: EARMARKS. I ask you to tell me how he could support the Senate version of this bailout when it is festooned with billions of dollars of 'added' pork. Is that not another definition of earmarks? I just don't get it!
This began with a three page draft... when the House got done with version one it was over 100 pages - the Senate? It is now over 400 pages. I honestly believe if the pork would be left out of this bill the public would approve. Doesn't really matter, they are gonna approve one version or the other anyway. I just think McCain is a hypocrite.