John Smyzer's Ramblings

Monday, April 28, 2008

Political Thoughts

It's almost like Jerimiah is working for Hillary.

It is almost unthinkable to me that race is part of the election of 2008.  Write this down, or 'Wright' it down.  The democrat party raised the issue (Bill Clinton to be precise)... the republicans will be blamed. Period.

John McCain  continues to show, almost daily why it is so very hard for a conservative to support him.  Guy drives me nutzo sometimes.  I am very disillusioned with my choices this election year.

If a democrat is elected president, will all of New Orleans be rebuilt within oh, say, one year?  Two years maybe?  To this day this issue makes me sick and absolutely nobody will tell the truth.  Much has been done to recover from this 'greatest modern disaster'.  Does this mean there were not mistakes?  No. It means much has been done, and there is still much more to be done.  Those who get focused on have been on the public dole for sixty years.  A prime example of government in action. 

I love Nino Scalia - he appeared on 60 Minutes last night - it was interesting to see his appearance before students at Oxford University as opposed to people who rant agin him in our country.  I love listening to him - wish we had more justices like him.

I could not wait for my stimulus check - I bought my GPS and I love it.  Were I a business owner who had delivery vehicles I'd have one in 'every' vehicle. I take wrong turns on purpose just to watch technology in action.

I love my country - there is more good than bad - just because you hear all day every day that things are bad does not make it so.  America, still the land of opportunity.  People still trying their best to get in - where 'are' those fighting to get out?

Friday, April 25, 2008

The Very Reverend Wright

I'm watching a teaser on Morning Joe today - shows Rev Wright will be interviewed by Bill Moyers on PBS tonight.  He is asked by Moyers about the controversial comments he has made from the pulpit blah blah blah.

He then was asked (and this I find so interesting), about Barracks speech in Philadelphia where Barrack tried to separate himself from The reverend's comments. 

In a nutshell he said Barrack only said those things because he is a politician.  Hmm, How does that make you feel?  All of you who thought, this is a new man, one who won't lie to us, one who is finally for C H A N G E. 

You've not heard the last of the 'Reverend' and he will impact the outcome of this nations political theater in 2008. 

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Democrat Race in PA

It is oh so entertaining to watch.  In a year when the Democrat party should be able to nominate Adolph himself and win, it is interesting to watch the kinks clogging up their march to victory.

It should be obvious by now that Hillary is not gonna give up something she 'believes' she is entitled to inheriting, e.g. the nomination of her party.  It now appears to me that she will (if she has to), destroy Barrack if she is not going to get the nomination herself.

What intrigues me most is the introduction of race in this contest.  I mean, Hillary must feel like Richard Nixon himself only garnering 10% of the black vote in Pennsylvania.  Or any other republican for that matter, at least in my lifetime.  I wonder just how that feels to her and ole Bill. 

I do believe Reverend Wright hurt Obama as well as his association with William Ayers.  Older Americans, and Americans in general are a forgiving lot, however, the do not forgive some who has damned America as recently as this past year, nor someone who has never even apologized for bombing one of our government establishments.  Especially older Americans.

I think now, and I mean as of today... even though it seems impossible, I think Hillary is going to be able to convince enough 'super delegates' that Barrack is tainted merchandise.  Things have however, changed quickly in this race and I reserve the right to change my mind downstream.

Tuesday, April 22, 2008 - Violent Weekend Rocks Chicago: 36 Shootings, 9 Homicides - Local News | News Articles | National News | US News - Violent Weekend Rocks Chicago: 36 Shootings, 9 Homicides - Local News | News Articles | National News | US News 

Umm, I wuz wondering - how many homicides and or shootings were there at the site in Texas where they took the children during the, oh let us say, the past ten years?  Just wonderin... and no, I do not believe in polygamy. 

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Tax Day

What with tax day having come and gone, herewith a couple of quotes I enjoyed reading:

1)  "Congress can raise taxes because it can persuade a sizable fraction of the populace that somebody else will pay"  Milton Friedman

2)  "A fine is a tax for doing something wrong.  A tax is a fine for doing something right."  Unknown

3)  "Of life's two certainties, at least you can get an extension for taxes."  Unknown

4)  "What at first was plunder assumed the softer name of revenue."  Thomas Paine

5)  "It would be a hard government that should tax its people on-tenth part of their income."  Benjamin Franklin

But... they keep telling me one should be grateful for paying, so, I guess I am.  And I know I can send in as much as I want, over and above what they ask for... right Mr. Buffet?  Right Senator Obama?  Right Senator Clinton?  I thought so.  I am ready to get in line right behind you all, just waiting for the line to form. 

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

She's One of The Boyz

Dunno bout you, but I have renewed respect for Hillary. Did you see her throw back that shot of Crown Royal? Ha ha.

Here's what I know.  Once in my distant past, someone put a shot of said Crown Royal in front of me. I sipped it much like I saw Hillary do and the taste was quite bitter to the virgin tongue. Hillary didn't even flinch.  One has to acquire a taste for spirits.

Then, she tossed it back and chased it with a sip of brewski -for her to do this without even batting an eye tells this observer she is quite familiar with spirits.  Sorta changed my outlook on the ole gal.

Monday, April 14, 2008

The Olympics

I don't much care if The President goes to the opening ceremonies or the closing ceremonies, or if in fact he plants his butt in the center of the arena and howls to the moon. 

The Olympic Committee knows the history of China, they knew it before China was selected, they know it now, and they will know it in the future.  They awarded the games to them anyway.

For anyone to try and persuade, make feel bad, et. al. the decision of President Bush to attend the opening ceremony is a copout.  They are getting precisely what they opted for by awarding the games to China.    I hope he goes (but I suspect he will fold).  He's close to heading back to the ranch anyway so might as well stick it to them one more time.  Time will tell.

Friday, April 11, 2008

Here's What I Wanna Know

When those MD80s were built, was there no quality control?  I mean, I am just going to assume they were built to a specification that matched FAA requirements.  If not, why not... and further more, if the spacing used when they were built was sufficient then, it should be now.  We need MORE government regulation <NOT>.

Wednesday, April 09, 2008

NBC Nightly News 9 Apr 08 - Two Stories

1) A story about companies selling little American flags (among other things).  The thrust of the story?  The selling of these items put American soldiers on jeopardy.  Bad stuff right?  When the reporter was announced (Lisa Meyers), I said to Kay - just watch, this will be all innuendo.  There will be NO concrete names mentioned of any kind.  There weren't.  But it 'was' dastardly.  And in fact, if true, indeed dastardly.  Just give me the names of the companies Lisa, or more importantly, NBC.


2) A story about Walmart and a company that has done their internal videos for years.  For years is the key here.  Recently there was a regime change at Walmart and the company who shot the videos was replaced.  They got mad and decided to release some videos of Walmart parties, meetings, etc.  I was stunned to see that men were dressing up as women, patting other women on the buttocks.  Holy cow!!! Can you believe it?  No mention of what year these movies were shot.  Here is what "I" will bet. 

I have been in the military for twenty years and in private industry for another twenty.  I will guar-an-damn-tee anyone within the sound of my voice that everything they showed on that video went on in 95+ percent of any office in this country.  The guys were in drag for crap sake, making people laugh.

Here is the kicker.  If 'anyone' thinks Walmart is doing this today in their meetings they gotta be smokin something.  Political correctness has replaced those meetings.  It just doesn't happen anymore.  I am not a Walmart supporter in any way.  I just want you to consider these two stories.  What is the magic difference between the two stories? 


One last thought - if you EVER hear the stories is presented by Lisa Meyers?  You will get nothing but innuendo.  Sad but true.

Friday, April 04, 2008

What "IS" That Smell?

So last week (Thursday), I went to the commissary - bought the usual items totaling upwards of $160 American.  Came home to put the groceries away and like rote took the mean to the freezer in the basement. 

Removed the items from the bag set them on top of the freezer and then began transferring them to the inside of the freezer.  Having completed the task, grabbed a beverage from the downstairs fridge and went upstairs to relax for abit.

Fast forward to Sunday - what am I gonna cook for dinner?  Went to the basement and thought one of the cats had just crapped. Whew!  On to the freezer and just about fell down.  I had left a whole chicken [on top] of the fridge since Thursday - the smell was horrendous.  You know the tough plastic covering a whole chicken.  Well, there was abit of bloody residue on top of the freezer, and I mean, just a teensie weensie bit.  So it had rotted and pierced the plastic wrapping.

I grab a rag and wipe up the mess and found what I was going to cook.  I need a loaf of bread also, so now I had bread, some steak, and the rotted chicken to carry.  Walking upstairs the chicken was leaning against my chest - briefly stopped in the kitchen upstairs to drop the steak and bread off and then straight to the garbage can outside.  Whew! Peeeeuuuuuu.  Coming back inside I sat down to finish my beverage, sitting in my recliner now.

I'm sniffing, looking at Kay Fran, sniffing and thinking she had perhaps had some problems.  Having been married for 40+ years I know she can't hide it if she's having those type problems. I lifted my shirt and the chicken that had been against my body as I came upstairs had contaminated my shirt.  Yanked THAT off and thought I was good. 

The basement stunk to high heaven.  That widdle puddle ontop of the freezer had in fact run down the front and created a bigger puddle  at the base of the freezer.  Clorox, bleach, ammonia - I do believe it is GONE, but what a horrendous smell. 

Today I bought a new chicken.  It did get placed in its resting place inside the freezer.  It will only smell twice, once when cooking, and once when egressing from the proper cavity.