John Smyzer's Ramblings

Wednesday, April 09, 2008

NBC Nightly News 9 Apr 08 - Two Stories

1) A story about companies selling little American flags (among other things).  The thrust of the story?  The selling of these items put American soldiers on jeopardy.  Bad stuff right?  When the reporter was announced (Lisa Meyers), I said to Kay - just watch, this will be all innuendo.  There will be NO concrete names mentioned of any kind.  There weren't.  But it 'was' dastardly.  And in fact, if true, indeed dastardly.  Just give me the names of the companies Lisa, or more importantly, NBC.


2) A story about Walmart and a company that has done their internal videos for years.  For years is the key here.  Recently there was a regime change at Walmart and the company who shot the videos was replaced.  They got mad and decided to release some videos of Walmart parties, meetings, etc.  I was stunned to see that men were dressing up as women, patting other women on the buttocks.  Holy cow!!! Can you believe it?  No mention of what year these movies were shot.  Here is what "I" will bet. 

I have been in the military for twenty years and in private industry for another twenty.  I will guar-an-damn-tee anyone within the sound of my voice that everything they showed on that video went on in 95+ percent of any office in this country.  The guys were in drag for crap sake, making people laugh.

Here is the kicker.  If 'anyone' thinks Walmart is doing this today in their meetings they gotta be smokin something.  Political correctness has replaced those meetings.  It just doesn't happen anymore.  I am not a Walmart supporter in any way.  I just want you to consider these two stories.  What is the magic difference between the two stories? 


One last thought - if you EVER hear the stories is presented by Lisa Meyers?  You will get nothing but innuendo.  Sad but true.


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