John Smyzer's Ramblings

Sunday, May 30, 2004

Computer Disaster

Long loud scream. Friday night past, I tried to remove what is known as spyware from my home computer. I trusted the program that was to do the deed. I paid big time for placing my trust in an unknown, or without reading the directions... regardless, I have spent the past two days rebuilding, reinstalling etc. getting back to business. Thank goodness for backups, at least the important stuff.

Regardless, I do not have email addresses (current) backed up... can you BELIEVE that? Many I know by heart, but if you wanna send me a one word message I will recapture on input, and I promise I will backem up!!! Arrgh... I have backups from back in Jun of 02 and a couple of those folks have expired, (may they rest in peace).

Thursday, May 27, 2004

C-SPAN & Albert Gore


If you want to see just how lucky we were during the 'last' election... follow the link and listen to ole Albert. If he had a mustache you might just be able to visualize someone back in the 40s... use your imagination.

My Marine Gunny

I had to fire my lawn service - a little history - Kay requested three quotations - an active duty marine was one of the bidders; his name was in the paper as Gunny - we decided before they even came to bid that he would get the job. I remember when I was on active duty and Kay did not work. I worked two jobs so we could eat good hamburger vice the other stuff. I don't forget where I came from.

So Gunny comes the first time... I feel funny having someone cut my grass; I actually went to the basement so I wouldn't have to watch someone else do what I figured I should be doing. In fact I thought he cut it too short. He and I had a short prayer meeting after the initial cutting, and he understood he was OK to raise his mower to the highest setting until the end of the year. No problemo - Gunny is 'on the job'.

The next week, no problem, and I am accepting the fact a trespasser is in 'my' yard, cutting 'my' grass.

The next week - we had a little rain... no Gunny... I'm thinking, umm the dadgum grass is still growing - searching the want ads for a billy goat... couldn't find one so called ole Gunny - he said he had lost our number and was coming out next day.... blood pressure slowly falling, I said OK. Anything to give a U.S. Marine the benefit of the doubt. Had he been IRAQI, I'da had to think about things a little.

The next week - rain on cutting day - Gunny calls, says he would be out to cut next day cause it was too wet. Understanding fellow I am, I thought, he at least called - next morning we had very slight rain... I'm thinking of Gunny - 4 PM, 5PM, 6PM, no Gunny, I tell Kay I will be mowing the next day, and that will be the end of ole Gunny.

4PM - 5/26/04 I get home from work - get changed and begin the task at hand, e.g. mowing grass knee high to a grasshopper since it ain't been cut for so long. I'm done with the front and beginning the 'real' tough part, the back yard, which has a 20 degree grade. From where I was mowing I had a clear view of the street. Uhuh, you are ahead of me... here comes Gunny.... I placed the mower sideways so it would not slide down the hill, and decided to communicate with the United States Marine in sign language, pretending all the time I was deploying a platooooon of troops. You have to visualize this now: 1) first sign was arms in raised position and crossing back and forth above head (known as a universal stop sign) - 2) 2nd sign was to raise left arm forcefully while slapping left bicep with right hand, (known as a universal 'up yours sign', and 3) 3rd sign was an emphatic pointing back down the street. He understood the language just fine and climbed into his blazer with his head hanging. Not only undependable, but yellow to boot. I suppose I did look imposing... belly thrust out, contorted facial features, but a marine??? I figured he'd at least meet me half way up the hill, sort like Gunfight at The OK Corral or something. Nope, he slunk away.

Blood pressure having risen to a higher level, I had renewed energy and finished the yard in record time... I consoled myself thinking I would NOT want that marine to be backing me up in a fight. I need people I can depend on... I suspect you do to. Ahhh, relaxing with a cold beverage and thinking it is gonna be a long hot summer.

Tuesday, May 25, 2004

The Divide

I listened to The President last night... he made me feel good. I then listened to the pundits and the Democrat leaders. None of them saw any good in the speech. I have come to the conclusion nobody in this country changes their mind. Do 'you' know anybody who has changed their mind on anything political? Me too, I'm guilty. I like to say I do not like 'everything' President Bush does, and that is true... when I think of Mr. Kerrey being elected I get cold chills. Can't help it.

I get so so angry at listening to the media give the national news. Tonight was a prime example. The stock market was up 159 points. That fact was mentioned... WITHOUT any reason. Every time the market is down, no matter how insignificant, there is a reason.... umm, people have lost confidence, umm, oil is up... crapola I say... why can't they have something encouraging to say when the market is UP for crying out loud. Please show me some balance.

Saturday, May 22, 2004

Senator Richard Lugar

I see the senator from Indiana is being quite critical of The President - umm, hasn't he been in the Senate for over 20 years? And ummm, haven't the policies he has been a part of resulted in where we are today? Just wondering.

Which Is It?

I remember in Vietnam they said we had major problems because the war was run by Washington - The President, in this war, has stated publicly that he would let the military run the war as they saw fit. Now that there are hard times, and they were forecast by the way, the main stream press is repeating history. I don't know that I agree with everything that is going on there, in fact I know I don't; I do know that war is hell, to coin a phrase.

Back in Viet Nam, when the William Calley incident occurred, I could not bring myself to condem Lt. Calley nor his men. The reason? The heat of battle. I have tried to draw a distinction between The Calley Affair and what has gone on in the prisions in Iraq. In 'my' mind, when the prisioners are subdued and contained as they were in Iraq, there really is no excuse. I may be full of ka ka.

I still believe, and nobody will convince me otherwise that there 'had' to be higher ups knowledgeable of what was going on. And further more, if they did 'not' know what was going on, they were not doing theirjobs. Time will tell the outcome, as for me, I will do my best to continue my support.

New York Post Online Edition: postopinion

New York Post Online Edition: postopinion

This article shows precisely what I said about that commission and Rudy. What a bunch of losers they are.

Thursday, May 20, 2004

9-11 Commission

I dunno about you all, but I am getting tired of the 9-11 commission.
Initially The President resisted appointing a commission, and his wisdom in
this resistance is being born out. It is quite apparent the whole thing
has turned political. And, for sure, we all have 20/20 hindsight, but
prior to 9/11 NOBODY, and I do mean NOBODY would have stood for spending
money on what they considered would never happen to this country.

To have these commissioners stand up there and pompously discredit the
underlings of New York City government, and then basically cow tow to Rudy
made me even sicker. I am a fan of Rudys - the commissioners showed just
how yellow they are, by asking condescending questions of people who worked
for Rudy, and then asked ole Rudy softball questions. Rudy, leader that he
is, still did not miss an opportunity to chastise the commission. I say,
good for you Rudolph!

And another thing... I have just about lost any sympathy I ever had for the
victims of 9/11, specifically the families left behind from the World Trade
Center. We were 'all' victims... for them to stand up and shout insults
during the hearings is the final straw. This country went out of its way
to aid and assist those families. We didn't do it for Oklahoma City
victims. And why was there no commission for that situation? When all is
said and done, there probably should have been.

And another thing......

Wednesday, May 19, 2004

The Prison

I am NOT buying the fact the guards got direction from higher up to treat the prisoners the way they did, but.... if all that was going on and not known by higher ups, then those higher ups were not doing their jobs. No supervision. Good grief, one does have to supervise, perhaps more today than in earlier years.