John Smyzer's Ramblings

Thursday, May 20, 2004

9-11 Commission

I dunno about you all, but I am getting tired of the 9-11 commission.
Initially The President resisted appointing a commission, and his wisdom in
this resistance is being born out. It is quite apparent the whole thing
has turned political. And, for sure, we all have 20/20 hindsight, but
prior to 9/11 NOBODY, and I do mean NOBODY would have stood for spending
money on what they considered would never happen to this country.

To have these commissioners stand up there and pompously discredit the
underlings of New York City government, and then basically cow tow to Rudy
made me even sicker. I am a fan of Rudys - the commissioners showed just
how yellow they are, by asking condescending questions of people who worked
for Rudy, and then asked ole Rudy softball questions. Rudy, leader that he
is, still did not miss an opportunity to chastise the commission. I say,
good for you Rudolph!

And another thing... I have just about lost any sympathy I ever had for the
victims of 9/11, specifically the families left behind from the World Trade
Center. We were 'all' victims... for them to stand up and shout insults
during the hearings is the final straw. This country went out of its way
to aid and assist those families. We didn't do it for Oklahoma City
victims. And why was there no commission for that situation? When all is
said and done, there probably should have been.

And another thing......


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