John Smyzer's Ramblings

Tuesday, May 25, 2004

The Divide

I listened to The President last night... he made me feel good. I then listened to the pundits and the Democrat leaders. None of them saw any good in the speech. I have come to the conclusion nobody in this country changes their mind. Do 'you' know anybody who has changed their mind on anything political? Me too, I'm guilty. I like to say I do not like 'everything' President Bush does, and that is true... when I think of Mr. Kerrey being elected I get cold chills. Can't help it.

I get so so angry at listening to the media give the national news. Tonight was a prime example. The stock market was up 159 points. That fact was mentioned... WITHOUT any reason. Every time the market is down, no matter how insignificant, there is a reason.... umm, people have lost confidence, umm, oil is up... crapola I say... why can't they have something encouraging to say when the market is UP for crying out loud. Please show me some balance.


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