John Smyzer's Ramblings

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Told Ya!

I HOPE these bastards are found out!  It gives me bile to know they contributed to this president and now are trying to cry foul. I hope they suffer beyond anything I can possibly describe. All of them!

Various and Sundry Things in The News

   So Mr. Allen of Apple goes and voluntarily testifies before Congress.  He is vilified for Apple shielding much of its money outside the United States.  NOWHERE does Congress accuse them of breaking the law… just trying to make them feel bad. Look, I am no major supporter of Apple (I do have three of their products). I am all for simplifying the tax code. But to  take a successful company and make a public spectacle out of them sickens me.  Just who in the sam hill wrote the tax laws? 

   Are you as stuck as I am The President is able to claim ‘he did not know’ (you fill in the scandal).  It amazed me, and I am wondering just who the fall guy and or gal is going to be.  There are some candidates, although on would not make any difference.

   I suspect Jay Carney will be gone  soon.  He no longer has much credibility.  He is supposed to be the spokesperson for the administration.  He adds, and or changes stories most every day now.  One is so inundated with new info there is no way he (Carney), can keep it straight.  If he leaves, big whup.

   On the other hand, it is beginning to look like  the White House Counsel, Kathryn Ruemmler is going to take a fall.  Were she to fall on the sword, it would  shield Mr. Obama.  Who knows; I know one has to be an absolute  idiot to think President Obama knows nothing about the various scandals swirling about his person.

   As  an American, I am very very embarrassed my government is getting away with actions I consider to be tyrannical in nature.  I speak of The Internal Revenue Service.  It is totally disgusting what has been going on within that agency.  We  should ALL have a chill up our backs.  Of course, NOBODY is responsible, and The President knows NOTHING.  We get precisely what we deserve Bungee!

Friday, May 17, 2013

Round and About The Political Spectrum

   I laugh each and every time The President blames Rush Limbaugh for his troubles.  I leave you with one simple thought. Rush mush not have too much power; Mr. Obama has been  elected twice. BTW, is is one of the highlights of my day when I sit down and listen to Rush.  Do I always agree with him?  No – do I generally?  You Bet!!!

   I heard during testimony this morning of the IRS, one of the groups in Iowa was questioned on ‘who they pray to’.  Can you imagine a question like that in America?  It is obscene and disgusting.

   We are not beginning the hear the drums beat from the media – the Republicans are going to overplay their hand.  Let me just say, if what is going on in the three big fiascos in Washington right now do not stir the American people to overturn this government, so be it.  I happen to believe I hear the stirrings of rebellion… tis a low rumble right now but growing.

   If I only had one wish left, it would be for Pat Robertson to GO AWAY!!  He sickens me.

   Today’s gripe is just how hard it is looking for new wheels.  Tis exhausting!!!  One has to have something to gripe about.

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Things Are Heating Up

   I have no clue whether or not anything will come of the situation(s going on in Washington; I just know this – I had quit watching MSNBC in the early morning because it was so very tiring. What with the recent revelations, I decided to  give it another go. It has been so very delicious watching the spin the regulars are trying to put on things.  Even so, they ‘seem’ to acknowledge the administration has gone too far, especially in the monitoring of phone lines. 

   I suspect once the true revelations of what the IRS has done comes to light, they will not be able to ignore that either, but as of now they are trying to gloss it all over – if you think of it, were they democrat backers being targeted, they’d be outraged.  Tea Party types?  Not so much.  I am just saying it will be so pervasive I don’t think they will be able to ignore things.

   To  me, this was predictable from very early on.  Mr. Obama won two elections very early on in his career, by SEALED court records being released – those sealed records were his opponents. Coincidence?  Very doubtful.

Wednesday, May 01, 2013

This’n That

   I made a general Tweet on Twitter last week to the affect that before it is over, Republicans will be blamed for the failure of Obama Care.  This after no one, NOT ONE Republican voted for Obama Care.  After watching The President at his news conference this week, there is NO doubt that will be the end result.  Those wascally elephants who didn’t vote for this in the first place are the cause for it being so convoluted.

   Aren’t you just so very proud of a country who has given over 100 grand in bennies to a family responsible for the Boston bombing?  We don’t need to check you out; we are so very humanitarian – it sickens me; it should sicken you also!

   In the matter of Syria and their possible use of chemical weapons.  Umm, lessee. Depending on who you listen to, there have been over 70,000 killed in the civil war raging there.  So ‘IF’ the Syrian government has begun using chemical weapons on their own people, can you tell me the difference between getting killed with a tank, a bomb, a gun, a beating….or….chemicals?  IYAMADUMMY and cannot figure the difference.