John Smyzer's Ramblings

Wednesday, May 01, 2013

This’n That

   I made a general Tweet on Twitter last week to the affect that before it is over, Republicans will be blamed for the failure of Obama Care.  This after no one, NOT ONE Republican voted for Obama Care.  After watching The President at his news conference this week, there is NO doubt that will be the end result.  Those wascally elephants who didn’t vote for this in the first place are the cause for it being so convoluted.

   Aren’t you just so very proud of a country who has given over 100 grand in bennies to a family responsible for the Boston bombing?  We don’t need to check you out; we are so very humanitarian – it sickens me; it should sicken you also!

   In the matter of Syria and their possible use of chemical weapons.  Umm, lessee. Depending on who you listen to, there have been over 70,000 killed in the civil war raging there.  So ‘IF’ the Syrian government has begun using chemical weapons on their own people, can you tell me the difference between getting killed with a tank, a bomb, a gun, a beating….or….chemicals?  IYAMADUMMY and cannot figure the difference. 


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