John Smyzer's Ramblings

Monday, July 25, 2011

Ramblin Down The Road of Life

   Just wondering – do we owe Joe Wilson of SC an apology?  When the Speaker comes out publicly and says he had an agreement with The President and then The President says no, just who do we believe?  One or the other is lying – either The Speaker or The President. Who do ‘you’ believe?

   Every time I see Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner I think of a tax cheat!  Can’t help it. 

   Every time I hear Charlie Rangel lecture Republicans on anything to do with ‘money’, I think of him laying on the beach. and his non reporting of income.  Can’t help it.

   My state’s Senator (Nebraska), who is up for re-election is playing the Social Security card ‘AGAIN’!  Says he will of course vote for cuts, but for no reductions in SSA or Medicare.  Sameo sameo.  Well Senator – “I” get SSA, ‘and’ Medicare, and you Sir are just about totally responsible for Obama Care!  I voted for you in the past; never again will you receive a vote from me on any issue!  In my mind, Obama Care is ‘the’ single most destructive bill to have passed in this countries history. You disgust me with the scare tactics.

   Lest ‘anyone’ forget when listening to the democrats cry for bipartisanship in raising the debt ceiling.  Obama Care was passed without a single GOP vote… not a single vote.  In either chamber! The simple fact is – the GOP would raise the debt ceiling but they have some qualifiers called ‘C U T S’ included.

   When planning for my retirement I included SSA as income.  I always had this simple philosophy.  If “I” don’t get paid, nobody will get paid – this stemmed from my thought that if I did not get paid, that meant the government had defaulted.  The 14 trillion national debt is just the tip.  State retirement packages are some 60 trillion in the hole.  I ‘think’ people are finally beginning to see what we are up against.  I don’t know if he can, but I ‘HOPE’ Boehner can hang tough.  If we default, perhaps we need to.

   Joe, I apologize. 

Monday, July 18, 2011

Rambling Along Life’s Path  I hate to think these wingnuts are following me, but I suggested this some time ago.  Why even have a debt ceiling.  Just keep printing the M O N E Y Mr. President.  Drive all the way over the cliff.  Taker down 50’ mate.  I have zero clue where the News Corp / (READ AS FOX) situation will end, but it is fun watching the U.S. media slobber all over themselves wishing and hoping FOX goes down.  They are having difficulty containing themselves.

I was hoping when Casey got discharged from jail she would stay with Jose and be confined to the house for, oh, say, three years babysitting the young'uns.  Probably would have been justice.

For those of you who tell me The President is willing to compromise, will you name me one specific he has agree to cut?  Just one my lovelies, just one.  Remember, I said specific, not some silver tongued spewage of words. 

Gas is going up again after a short decline.  Release all of our reserves Mr. President.  You have already released 31 million gallons – just let it go; show us you care… put us in further jeopardy.  Show us just how courageous you are. Let it all go, pullleeezzze?  I can’t fill my tank. (sob)  The attacks on Bachmann begin in earnest.  And it would not matter what Republican woman ran.  If she has an ( R ) in front of her name, they will attack viciously. Nice to know it before it even happens.

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

This’n That

   I have been listening to the jurors who sat on the Casey Anthony jury – I have listened (they do not show their faces), try and rationalize their decisions (first three counts).  They have not convinced ‘me’ they didn’t have enough evidence, and nothing they say will ever convince me.  Further, can anyone answer this question.  They all talk about how revolted they were regards the thirty-one days.  If this is so, why did they not ‘hang’ the jury… they could have drawn straws - six for and six against, I don’t care which count, and still gotten the job done.  At least Casey would not be getting out this weekend.  As for me?  I hope the jurors have nightmares for their remaining days on this earth.  Literal nightmares is my wish, and yes I do believe in our system.  There are just times when ‘they’ get it wrong… OJ comes to mind.

   The President and his party once again threatening seniors with the delay in dispensing Social Security checks makes me sick.  Does it or does it not mean that what we have always heard for years is that what we paid into SSA was in a lockbox was a lie?  I suspect it was all one big lie.  Just like the Ponzi scheme SSA actually is when all is said and done.  Oh well.

   Anybody know why the Feds don’t just either do away with the debt limit or raise it 100 Trillion all in one fell swoop.  Can you tell me what difference it would make?  Since 1962 the ceiling has been raised seventy + times according to accounts I’ve read.  So tell me, pick a number and let it go.  Doesn’t make any difference anyway.  We will meet Greece, Portugal,  Italy and the rest of Europe down in the pit, and sooner rather than later.  Yup, 100 Trillion sounds about right.  Idiots!!

Friday, July 01, 2011

The Gravy Train

   In our local newspaper the other day was an article on state cutbacks that were affecting “LEGAL” immigrants.  I intentionally placed ‘legal’ in caps for this discussion.  Upon reading the article, and it was lengthy, I nearly laughed out loud.  Imagine – ‘legal’ immigrants having benefits cut. 

   Now, I realize I trying to go the toilet straight up a rope, but, can you imagine if we didn’t have to put out for “ILLEGALS”?? I have no idea just how much is being spent on ‘illegals’, but I will guarantee you it is substantial.  My sympathy factor is fading – I doubt I am alone.  Things are going to change, whether it be via the rule of law or a total breakdown of government. 

   For the nitwits out there who will call me racist.  It is not about being racist.  I am, and always have been offended by one word. “ILLEGAL”.  If you do not understand that, you are in my opinion, ignorant.  Not saying I agree with our current immigration laws – they obviously need updating.  I do disagree with allowing illegals inside the country… if we are going to do so, there is no rule of law.