Georgie Boy Tenet
People who have read my entries in the past know I long for leaders in our government. Mr. Tenet is an example of what precisely is wrong with our government. What a sickening, and I do mean sickening example of taking responsibility.
Here's a guy hired by Mr. Clinton, who gave the same intelligence to then President Clinton as he later gave to President Bush. Mr. Clinton believed it, the democrat congress believed it, the French, the English, the Germans, the whole freakin world believed the intelligence gleaned by the illustrious Georgie Boy Tenet.
Here is the problem, and why I think he is lower than snake dung. All during his time with President Bush he had ample opportunity to resign, to show he had a difference of opinion, to show he had gonads for crying in the sink. Did he do it? Nooooo. He even accepted the Medal of Freedom, still another opportunity to say - umm Mr. President, I cannot accept this because I disagree so very strongly with what you have and are doing. Did he do it? Noooo.
As I think back on this whole period in our history... there are very few in public life I can look up to, and they all have differing philosophies than I do, but doggone it, they stated their case and have stuck to it ! Guys like Georgie Boy Tenet make me vomit, they disgust me to my very core. He is a disgrace to every man or woman who has shed blood in this war. And if he really believed what he is now saying he should go to prison.