John Smyzer's Ramblings

Sunday, February 25, 2007

The Walter Reed Situation

I doubt things are as bad as depicted. By that I mean, yes it is bad for a veteran, especially a wounded veteran to be treated badly. Welcome to the military, circa 2007. Not much has changed for the forty or so years I've been in and around. Allow me to relate an item or two.

Back in 1984 A.D. I was preparing to retire. As part of the retirement process, you are advised to go to the V.A. hospital to have them check you over. The checkup is designed to find out if there are potential problems associated with something that occurred during your military years. Bear in mind I went because they told me to and being the little wooden headed solider I was, I did as I was told.

While waiting to get an xray I saw a little old man approach the desk and ask for Doctor X - he was told the doctor had been called in during the night and would not be in; he would have to reschedule his appointment. He was crestfallen as he had driven in from North Platte, no small feat for an elderly gent. No empathy for him, just reschedule. I wanted to 'hit' the person behind the counter.

So I'm called for my xrays - about fifty xrays later (no exaggeration, I am getting teed off. I know that many xrays can not be good, but finally that ordeal is over. There were many other tests conducted on me that day and then a face to face with my assigned doctor.

This doctor began grilling me like I was a criminal; questioning my truthfulness, integrity, whatever. He finally tripped my trigger at which time I stood up, began taking the gown off and coldly told him the physical was over. I don't need you now, I don't anticipate needing you in the future, and if I do it will be because I am destitute. He got all uppity with me trying to pull rank and I told him to pound sand... I only came here because I was 'advised' to. I now realize that was bad advice.

I left the hospital and one month later got a notice in the mail that I had a 10% disability assigned to me and you could have knocked me over with a feather. Thankfully it is the type of disability that I do not have to go back for regular 're-checks' cause I would have had to tell them to stick that also.

Here's the point. While I was not a wounded veteran, I was and am a veteran. The little old man was a veteran, and the treatment he and I got that day sucked. Oh woe is me, what has changed? Not much, and all the prima donna newsmen and politicians yacking for the cameras will soon move on to the next story and the veteran situation will remain the same. Just a newer version.

Oh, one other thing that is misunderstood by many. My 10% is NOT additional monies each month. It is taken from my regular retirement check but is tax free dollars.

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Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Confession Time

It is with regret I come before you today to make a confession I have been dreading for quite a period of time... it's not easy to publicly do these things as one's reputation can be besmirched beyond repair, but... I feel I must in the spirit of full disclosure.

"I" am the father of Anna Nicole's daughter. I have not wanted to say anything, but believe I must now reveal the truth. It 'is' a daughter isn't it? Well whatever it is, I am the father and I wanna control the M O N E Y !!!

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Saturday, February 17, 2007

Who Will It Be ??

This is February of 2007 - there must be ten 'known' people running for President of these United States. Only 'one' makes ME feel good. Do I think this person will be elected? Probably not, but he does make me feel good.


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Thursday, February 15, 2007

Honesty in America

I used to watch Timmy play BB, both with Golden State and Miami - those are the only teams I remember him playing with as I sort of lost interest in the professional game over the years. But this situation, no matter your personal position on being gay, gay people, the gay lifestyle et al. epitomizes the state of truthfulness in these United States better than most. Bottom line? You as an individual can not be honest. Hardaway expressed 'his' feelings. He was not trying to incite a riot, nor did he condone harming gays. He just expressed his true feelings. For that, he will be crucified and 'probably' enter rehab. - Tim Hardaway: 'I Hate Gay People'

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Tuesday, February 13, 2007

The Chicks

I am a country music fan... have been since oh, about 1963 time frame. Country music makes up the bulk of the music on my iPod. I happen to like the Dixie Chicks [sound]. Having said that, I have only heard them sporadically for the past year or so. And I definitely have not purchased any of their music in the past year plus.

So, I'm wondering just how they won country album of the year. I don't follow the musical grammy awards too closely, but when I heard The Chicks won all these awards I began to wonder who the pickers of the pickees were. Shoulda known I guess. It is the performers themselves. Methinks they are a little too cute and revealing by half.

I still like their sound; I just do not appreciate anyone going [outside] the borders of these United States and bad mouthing our President. That, by the way goes for 'any' President.

I have not taken previously purchased Chick music off my pod, but sometimes I click to the next song in the shuffle when they begin singing.

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Monday, February 12, 2007

Ole Scooter

Gotta be 'something' going on with this trial. What will be will be I suppose, but there are some funny things happening.

Mr. Russert - called at his (Russerts) house by an FBI agent (or someone purporting to be an agent), regarding perhaps one of the biggest trials in along time, and there are no notes reflecting this action? Just a memory, a foggy one at that. And the agent who called has since retired. Do you really think a newsman of Russerts expertise would tell 'let's just call them facts' to someone on the phone he did not know? Just wonderin.

Ms. Mitchel, who on national TV stated 'everyone' knew about Ms. Plame and now recants having said it, and in fact when it is played back says she doesn't know what she meant? ! ?

And the simple fact is, they will probably get away with it, and yet... if it is their enemy, they expect them to have records and an instant recall memory. Just makes we wonder and wander, and in the end, smile.

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Thursday, February 08, 2007

Her Highness

So I'm listening to The Speaker of The House on Greta's show last night... Greta was asking about the use of military aircraft to transport The Speaker back and forth to her district in San Francisco. Evidently this practice was begun post 9/11 for Speaker Hastert. I heard Speaker Pelosi respond and she was quite convincing in saying she did not need any aircraft, she would fly commercial thank you very much. She actually convinced me while listening.

So, who is telling the truth? Speaker Pelosi says she just wants a direct flight - because of this, there are those (un-named), who say she has requested a military equivalent of a Boeing 757. She of course denies this, and says she just wants one that will fly non-stop. Seems reasonable to me.

Oh, according to what I have read, the small jet Speaker Hastert flew has a range of 4,000 + miles. Slightly different than a 757. So whomever is telling the truth, as for me being the taxpayer I am, I prefer the small jetliner or let her fly commercial.

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The Libby Trial

I dunno 'who' is telling the truth in the Scooter Libby trial, but I 'am' enjoying reading about the reporters. I wonder why in the world they do not have instant recall of things (all things) that happened years ago. Even consulting their notes seems to bring up that age old rejoinder - "umm, I can't recall", or "to the best of my recollection". Makes me sort of wander aimlessly around the living room.

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Wednesday, February 07, 2007

Why Are We There?

Why Are We There?

Every day there are news reports about more deaths.
Every night on TV there are photos of death and
destruction. Why are we still there?
We occupied this land, which we had to take by force,
but it causes us nothing but trouble. Why are we still
Many of our children go there and never come back. Why
are we still there?
Their government is unstable, and they have loopy
leadership. Why are we still there?
Many of their people are uncivilized. Why are we still
The place is subject to natural disasters, which we
are supposed to bail them out of. Why are we still
There are more than 1000 religious sects, which we do
not understand. Why are we still there?
Their folkways, foods and fads are unfathomable to
ordinary Americans. Why are we still there?
We can't even secure the borders. Why are we still
They are billions of dollars in debt and it will cost
billions more to rebuild, which we can't afford. Why
are we still there?
It is becoming clear..

NOTE: I cannot take credit for this, but I think it makes a valid point. :)

Sunday, February 04, 2007

Florida Tornado(s

So I'm listening to the new and improved FEMA director today (his name is not important) - he was yakkin about how FEMA was really gonna show'em how they had improved for 'this' disaster. What a crock. I wanted to vomit, in fact one of my cats 'was' vomiting and maybe that is why I thought I needed to... regardless, his statement brought back Katrina so vividly all over again.

One more time, and I don't care who is director of FEMA, or who is President - if another disaster the magnitude of Katrina hits this country, it will not matter who is director of anything. It will be a disaster, 'precisely like Katrina'. (One caveat please). Sane people will have evacuated the scene. I am talking strictly about property damage.