The Agreement
So, we now have fourteen senators that are running this country? Me thinks not, at least not for long. I don't care if John McCain is a war hero - he makes me want to vomit pure bile. And evidently Lindsey Graham is in training to take ole John's place when he FINALLY leaves. He may have presidential ambitions, but I will guarantee the republican faithful will sit on their hands if he is the nominee. He will not be elected from 'that' party and I'd put lots of money on that statement.
Remember 'these' words: ''under extraordinary circumstances.'' Those words refer to when the democrats will still filibuster under this agreement. No definition as to what it means. I will tell you what it mean, if I may be so bold. It means, any person put forth for The Supreme Court. The steps taken by the so called moderates have in affect delayed the inevitable... although I have my doubts the republicans in their perceived power have the gonads to follow through with anything. I believe the actions of the republicans is the final straw, the actions that will hinder the party for many years to come. The little people who donate their money won't anymore. The people who work the polls, who get out the vote, won't... why should they? They put these people in power for a reason - they have shown their disdain for 'the people'.
The more I think of this the madder I get. One of the clauses in this agreement is that the republican seven agreed to not use the nuclear (constitutional) option for the rest of this congress, e.g. until the 2006 elections. I heard one of the republican seven (Lindsey Graham) say if the democrats used the filibuster he would reserve the right to re-implement the nuclear option. That means he did not even know what he agreed to since he won't be able to until after 2006. Yech!
Remember McCain Feingold??? The two who brought us the 'fix' to campaign financing? It was supposed to stop the big money from the campaigns. Left a loophole you could drive a tank through. Now this brilliant man is at the head of 'this' endeavor. I despise John McCain. I suspect he thinks he has finally gotten even with The President for the South Carolina primary in 2000.
The Dems win bigtime on this one - as I have said since 'before' the election of 2000 - it is ALL about The Supreme Court. End of story.... and a story it is... the republicans have either been snookered or sabotaged. Take your pick... makes 'me' want to vomit.