John Smyzer's Ramblings

Saturday, October 30, 2004

Almost Time

Election day is upon us - I still think this thing is going to break out one way or the other and will not be considered close in the end.

Goodness knows this year is another that shows the election is driven by events... some pursued by the media, others not. The Osama tape (I was one who thought he was dead), the supposed missing WMD in Iraq, (but I thought there was none)... papers discovered at Texas Tech University showing concrete evidence that Mr. Kerry and his followers were following a North Vietnamese guideline if interested. This will NOT get main street press coverage, but in the end, meaning someday, this will all come out. And when it does, people will KNOW why Mr. Kerry never signed the SF 180 which would have revealed all in his military records.

In my mind, when I say it will break one way or the other, I believe people will get in that booth and really begin questioning themselves. And the turn will come from clear thinking Democrats of the Scoop Jackson mold, sometimes known as Reagan Democrats. That is 'my' prediction, and I'm sticking to it!

Saturday, October 23, 2004

The Individual Ready Reserve (IRR)

To substantiate what I wrote a day or two about the soldier who had served his time and gotten called again... today I captured this article out of the local paper. There 'are' problems on the horizon if the war does not reach a conclusion, or if indeed we can not cut back on the number of troops. Here is the article.


1 in 3 x-soldiers hasn't answered call.

The Arny says more than 800 members of the Individual Ready Reserve have failed to report for duty.

WASHINGTON (AP) — More than 800 former soldiers have failed to comply with Army orders to get back in uniform and report for duty in Iraq or Afghanistan, the Army said Friday. That is more than one-third of the total who were told to report to a mobilization station by Oct. 17.Three weeks ago the numberstood at 622 amid talk that any who refused to report for duty could be declared absent without leave. Refusing to report for duty normally would lead to AWOL charges, but the Army is trying to resolve these cases quietly.

In all, 4,166 members of the Individual Ready Reserve have received mobilization orders since July 6, of which 2.288 were to have reported by Oct. 17. The others are to report in coming weeks and months.Of those due to have reported by now, 1,445 have done so, but 843 have neither reported nor asked for a delay or exemption. That no-show rate of 37 percent is roughly in line with the one-third rate the Army had forecast when it began the mobilization to Fi11 positions in regular and Reserve units.

Of the 843, the Army has had follow-up contact with 383 and is seeking to resolve their cases, according to figures made public Friday . For the 460 others, "We are still working to establish positive contact," the Army said. Some may not have received the mailed orders.

Members of the Individual Ready Reserve, or IRR, are rarely called to active duty. The last time was 1990, when nearly 20,000 were mobilizedIRK members are people who were honorably discharged after finishing their active-duty tours, usually four to six years, but remained in the IRR for the rest of the eight-year commitment they made when joining the Army.

Friday, October 22, 2004

The Undecided

Do you now, or have you ever, known an undecided voter? Bet not, not if you ask just minimal questions. I believe this great undecided block of voters is a figment of the media's imagination. Further, those people who claim to be undecided find an easy way to appear on national TV at this time of year when election time rolls around. But, if you listen to the questions, and their responses, they aren't undecided. It is a crock of bull-stein-ofsky.

This year, probably more than any other in 'my' lifetime, there are clear differences between the canditates. If you can't make up your mind on this'n, you never will.

Tuesday, October 19, 2004

The Veeps Daughter, Lesbian and or Gay

OK folks, anyone 'not' think Edwards and Kerry 'both' mentioning the fact that the Vice President's daughter is gay into their respective debates was not intentional? Surely you jest. After Kerry did it, and the ensuing turmoil, part of their rationale was that Edwards had brought it up in the Vice President debate and Mr. Cheney had 'thanked' Mr. Edwards. Did you watch the debate? The format was for the person who was asked the question to have two minutes to answer followed by a 1 1/2 minute rebuttal. When Edwards injected the Cheney daughter, he used his two minutes (very articulate I might add, just like any lawyer). Mr. Cheney in his 1 1/2 minute reply time, thanked the Senator... the lady overseeing the debate (Gwen Iffel of PBS), was taken aback with Mr. Cheney's abrupt thank you and nothing more. She said, "is that all", and Mr. Cheney said he had nothing more to say. In my mind it was Cheney's way of saying, you little pip squeak... what a low life you are.

I believe at that moment, the Kerry / Edwards team decided to throw the issue out again if the opportunity arose, and of course it did in the final presidential debate when Bob Scheiffer asked his question about being born gay. Mr. Kerry, to show his intent to drive what he perceived a wedge, used the word lesbian vice the word gay in his response. Whether or not anyone will admit it, the word gay has become more and more acceptable in our society... Lesbian on the other hand still has a more sinister connotation. Think about it... I believe you will agree Mr. Kerry chose his word(s) very carefully.

And yes, I also believe the Cheney's, both Lynn and Big Dick (my nickname for Mr. Cheney) feigned their indignation. It is afterall, politics.

Sunday, October 17, 2004

To Draft or Not To Draft

Mr. Kerry seems determined to plant the seed of a draft in the minds of young people in this country. It seems to be a coordinated effort using the MTV crowd and other avenues of that genre. Mr. Bush on the other hand has emphatically stated there will be no draft while he is president.

First of all, The President can not institute a draft... it would have to be done by the Congress. Charlie Rangel, democrat from New York introduced a bill to reinstate the draft and it failed 400 something to 2. Charlie, who introduced the bill voted against it. Again, I believe it was designed to 'plant the seed' in peoples minds that The President was going to do the deed.

Trust me when I say, the military, even if they feel they need more troops do not want the draft back. They want people who have volunteered, not those who have been forced to go.

Having said all that, "IF" we continue on our present course, I am 'very' concerned about our troop strength. Iraq is the absolute only thing I have doubts about - not doubts we shouldn't have done it, but doubts about the way it is being fought. I am of the opinion that if enemy fire is coming from the mosques, then level the mosques. And I do mean level them. Get rid of the enemy, get it over with and move on. They say we will lose the people. Duh... I'm thinking we have lost them already. If it takes a Hiroshima, do it. Why??? Because if you believe The President when he named Iraq, North Korea, Iran as the axis of evil, what do you think that means?

When Mr. Kerry talks about a back door draft, it is indeed the one thing I agree with him on. Back door being those who keep getting sent back, those not being allowed to get their normal discharges, not being able to retire etc. I have a friend whose son is in the 'inactive' reserve. That means he enlisted, served his time, and got out. He is now being recalled to active duty. To me, this is a serious warning sign, and one more indication in "MY" mind we need to get tough, get it over with, and get out. The soldier 'and' the parents have done their part... in my mind, they should not be forced to go through it all over again. All I'm saying is, there is in 'my' mind, a difference between inactive and active reserves. And guess what... there are no parades, no public acknowledgements when individual soilders are called... they just get the notice and told to report. Somehow the coldness of that leaves a hollow spot in my stomach. I'm not sure how we at home can ever repay those that serve, but the guard groups, those that go as a group certainly at least have comrade's moral support.

The group that just refused an order to take a fuel supply run is another warning sign. I do not accept carte blanche what I have heard so far. But, in the military you can not have open rebellion. If allowed to stand it will be a spreading cancer very quickly.

In summary, Iraq has indeed turned into an albatross around The Presidents neck, but not because he went, but once again because the politicians will not let the military do what is necessary.

Friday, October 15, 2004

WorldNetDaily: Saddam's WMD have been found

WorldNetDaily: Saddam's WMD have been found

The 3rd Debate

OK - I've watched them all - I've now been told that Mr. Bush lost all three. Umm, I guess I have my head in the sand somewhere. The first one? Perhaps, although for the first half of even that one, The President kicked some bootie, (in my mind anyway).

I think what one must keep in their mind is this. It is to the media's advantage to portray this as a horse race. And in fact it may well be a horserace. All I'm saying is, I watched the debates, all of them; The President did not get his butt kicked in any way shape or form. In fact, except for the last 1/2 of the first one, I would rate The President's performance above Mr. Kerrys.

One other thing... to me, this election offers the absolute clearest choice for the top job in my lifetime. There is no way one can vote for Mr. Kerry if they have followed his career in the slightest (that is what even the slightest conservetive would say). There is no way one can vote for Mr. Bush knowing the next president should influence the Supreme Court for the next forty years (that is what even the slightest liberal would say). The point is, you don't have to dig very deep to see the very stark differences in the two candidates.

As for me? I know both records... it is a very simple decision to make. God bless America!

Sunday, October 10, 2004

The Second Debate

Did you watch? I did - I guess I really know nothing about 'debate points'. Let there be no doubt Mr. Kerry is a skilled speaker. For some reason he reminds me of someone else in our recent past, I just can't put my finger on whom it might be. I did learn he has 'A Plan', I just don't know what it is yet. As to who won on 'debate points' is a matter of opinion.
I suspect the choice this year is one of the most black/white in history. I get very discouraged at times looking at the mess in Iraq - it is so simple to hear of the amounts of money spent there and thinking it could go to much better use here. Oh such a simple explanation. Not so simple I'm afraid.
I 'am' disgruntled' about the way our folks are fighting the war. War is hell... you might as well get the hell over quicker than later. If the bad guys are based in a mosque, level the fricking thing... get the bad over quickly so the healing can begin. Tis better in 'my' mind than to hear the drip drip drip of bad news.
So in that regard, I am no longer fully in support of The President. I agree the war was just; I agree we should be there, but "IF" we are there, DO IT and do it surgically and with utmost force.
Mr. Kerry on the other hand, had things gone the other way in Iraq would be in full support. Or would he? He is so very transparent and constantly has his finger in the air to see what his posiiton should be 'today'. Please give me someone who I can rely on, one with a constant purpose, not afraid to change if need be, but to be steadfast and courageous. The hard decisions are just that... 'hard', and not always popular.
Anyway, were I scoring the debate, it would have been nigh on 50/50 - my scores come from how I think one or the other makes the rest of the country feel (whether I agree or not) - you can get a sense of what sounds good... it is up to you whether or not you think the sound bite through to its logical conclusion.

Wednesday, October 06, 2004

The Veep

I really enjoyed the debate last night between Cheney and Edwards. It was interesting to watch Edwards come OUT in attack mode, almost combative. It was also interesting to watch Cheney methodically dismantle him. I loved it

I dunno who's gonna win this thing - I still maintain it will not be close in the end. One or the other is going to win going away. The American people will speak and it will be part of history. I obviously have my own dog in the hunt, but in the end, I do believe the republic will survive regardless the outcome.

Sunday, October 03, 2004

The First Debate

Disappointed in The President? Yes, but only in the fact he seemed to reach a point where he was talked out... if you can not fill two minutes with verbiage regarding any given subject, you have a problem.

Flat statement... if President Bush's performance in the next two debates is as bad as the first, we are looking at a new president. I do not believe the american people will allow any other outcome. Having said that, the very first Reagan Mondale debate was clearly won by Mondale and President Reagan at the time seemed almost senile. I remember being embarrased for him at the time... much the same as I was for President Bush last thursday night.

And btw, I was NOT disappointed when The President showed emotion, and sin of sins did not stand up straight. Had absolutely nothing to do with 'my' impressions. But what did, or did not come out of his mount certainly did influence me.