Various and Sundry Things
Did you, like me, think when oral arguments are finished at The Supreme Court, the Justices then got around a table and discussed the issues? I certainly did. Nope. They ‘write’ their thoughts and pass them around, and if their writings change another Justice’s mind, so be it, otherwise they just march on. In other words, as I understand it, they meet one time post the oral arguments, take a vote on their current feelings, and them go their separate ways to write their opinion. So what does this mean? It means, we should not need to wait until June to find out their feelings… they are already known. Sigh.
Whomever thought up the term ‘pink slime’ is brilliant. If one were to dig into the origins, I’d bet my bottom dollar it is an animal rights group behind the situation. Pink Slime – sounds terrible, yes? Does to me, then I began reading about the whole situation. First of all, we have been consuming it for twenty plus years. Do you think the make-up of the concoction was just picked out of thin air? I think not!
I used to work for an animal feed company. The ingredients put into the animal food was kept track of down to the milligram. Every day, the ingredients had to be inventoried, and there were in fact, scientists on staff who had to measure the ingredients. I dare say, the same standards apply to the human food supply. There is a local food chain who is finally taking a stand on this issue. They are putting ‘pink slime’ meat back on the shelf. Now, granted, this company has their origins in Iowa, and granted, the governor of Iowa, a [killer of children Republican] has lobbied the company to sell the product again. I just applaud the company for common sense and courage. It will be interesting to see the outcome.
One more time, the smear campaign for the person who thought up the term pink slime is / was brilliant. I can think of some slime I’d like to slide down their throats.
You cannot deny the election of President Obama was with a majority of the populace of these United States. I think even the most cynical among us thought it a page turning time in the history of this country. I want to say point blank. President Obama has done more to destroy improving race relations than I thought possible by any one person. Shame on you Sir!