This’n That
I have successfully severed my relationship with the two sponsors who have dropped Rush! And, I am more than happy to see that one of the companies is in deep doo doo. Interestingly enough I believe it is as much because this company continues to advertise on several umm, shall we say, liberal outlets, thereby resulting in their obvious bias. I hope they fail in toto. There are NO words required, not even an opinion. Go to the end of this article and read one of the requirements to attend this William Jefferson Clinton function. Again, no words needed. Hmmm.
I want to report just how happy I am we are nearing the objective of President Obama… his words!!! As I went to the grocery this morning to do my weekly duty, I noticed fuel (regular) is $3.97 per gallon. Thank you Sir! I will really be ecstatic when we get to $5.00. Re-elect pronto!!!
I finally saw an ad in the local paper for power washing my deck. I called and the two fellows came out immediately. They could not find the house, but I went and got them. I had a price in mind based on what the insurance company gave me last year. Turns out these fellows are union electricians in Omaha where the unemployment rate is 4.3% +/- .1 either way. Said they had to do something, the union bosses keep telling them to hang tough ‘brother’… it is going to turn around. Sigh. Fellow said I don’t know how you feel about unions, but…
This was an opening I don’t normally let pass. I told him my tried and ‘true’ philosophy transferred to me from my Father – in short, do a good job and you will be compensated. I could I suppose, elaborate, but that is all you need to know. In my twenty years of employment in the private sector I ‘never’ joined a union… I had ‘some’ encounters because of my refusal(s. In one case the job was incentive based. I manually made a cable that when completed had 20,000 loose wire ends – I memorized this cable. The pattern took up every page of a stenographer notebook to plant a picture in your mind.
Here is the bottom line. I needed to make four of these cables in an 8 hour day to make quota – I worked there six months. By the time I left I was making four by lunchtime. Now, I, were this individual incentive, could have made allot of ‘m o n e y’. It was however, group incentive. So that, were I to look around and see several of my fellow group missing I would wonder where in hades they were – turns out, they might be off reading the paper, and or meditating on their respective throne. THEY got to participate on my production, and guess who were the loudest critics of my refusal to join ‘their’ union. Brothers my butt!!
I learned to stand on my own feet; I hope I have instilled that in my own children, and I am too old to change. Regardless, I believe my little chat with these two fellows made a dent in their minds – and oh by the way, they did such a good job, they earned a nice tip. They were hungry and their labor proved it!! And I, after our little chat was trying to make a point. I think they got the point. God bless America!!
Looks good bro! I, too, listened to our daddio regards the unions.
Tootsie, at 8:47 PM
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