John Smyzer's Ramblings

Saturday, February 04, 2012

This’n That

   Komen vs Planned Parenhood – You want to know why “I” learned many years ago to not give to charities?  Exhibit A  is this fiasco. If you do not agree with the left you are doomed.  Read just a few of the comments in this link  and then tell me one has a fighting chance if they disagree one iota.  I will never buy another pink ribbon ‘anywhere’ unless or until I am assured Komen’s money is not going to support abortion.  You are better off giving your money individually to a crack addict.  At least you know where it is going.   Exhibit B by the way was when I was in basic training.  In those days they had what was known as The Red Feather Campaign – we recruits were told in no uncertain terms it was the thing to contribute to.  Oh, and the assistant Drill Instructor took up the collection… we later learned he had pocketed these contributions.  Lesson learned early in life.

   Remember during the political campaign of years prior when the word ‘TARGET’ was so heinous while talking about targeting certain districts?  Our friend Ed Schultz is promoting packing iron these days.  Once again, it is now a position from the left, so you hear notta from the mainstream media.  Just the way it is these days.  Are you one who ‘believes’ the unemployment rate went down or are you one who believes, and for that matter knows, that numbers can be manipulated?  One really must ask some questions.  I for one would like for our economy to get much better, bur for crying out loud – if the economy is so much better, why are foreclosures at record highs? If the economy is so good, why is the distribution of food stamps at an all-time high?  Just a couple of basic questions. 

   I get tickled every time I try and figure out how The Administration tries to pick and choose what regimes they will overthrow.  Would the person in the back, please stand and tell the class the difference in overthrowing the dictator in Libya as opposed to the dictator in Syria?  Make it good now so all the children can understand. 


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