John Smyzer's Ramblings

Friday, December 16, 2011

This’n That

   I am not too sure what to think about the loss of the drone over Iran.  This much I know.  If there is not already, there should be a way to destroy them remotely.  The loss of this technology is not a good thing.  I guess I should not worry.  President Obama has requested the return of the device.  Just saying.

   I have watched most of the debates so far.  Every time I think I have made up my mind, I listen to another debate.  I guess this is a good thing.  It gives one time to shake the trees again and again prior to deciding. 

   It is becoming clearer all the time that Fast and Furious was a government scheme with the end result more gun control.  Regardless your opinion on guns, aren’t you proud of the surreptitious actions by ‘our’ government?  Makes me abit ill inside.

   I have for many years paid for my own flu shot because I did not want to wait for them to get to the military installation I frequent.  Since turning 65 I can of course go to the drugstore and get it paid for by Medicare.  Were I to walk in off the street and get the shot, it would be between $25 and $30 American.  Upon receiving my Medicare printout I notice Medicare paid $55.00 and I have no clue if that is American or otherwise.  Isn’t this interesting?   


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