John Smyzer's Ramblings

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Uncle Omar

   Question for the class – if Uncle Omar has been here since the early 90s, and Uncle Omar not only had a valid drivers license but also a social security number, just how does an ( I L L E G A L ) get these documents?  He is here ILLEGALLY people!!!

   If you still do not believe we in these United States have a problem with illegal immigration, then I do not know how to break it to you.  I can’t even git too excited about this crap anymore. I am a racist ass just because I would like ‘and expect’ the laws of this country to be enforced. If that makes me racist, then I am proudly so and proclaim it to the world.

   In the final analysis, I’d like to know just how many benefits from the new and softer FEDERAL FAMILY have been granted to Uncle Omar.  Not the hard federal government, the softer and gentler  “federal family” we now are all a part of heah in these United States. Sickening!

Thursday, August 25, 2011

This’n That Around My World

   I see the Reverend Al Sharpton has gotten his own show on MSNBC – when it fails (and it will), I promise, Al will say it was in some way because of racism.  Write it down.

   Anyone heard of the horrible devastation in Joplin lately?  Just wondering.  Must be all rebuilt.  Thank you President Obama.

   The iPad has revolutionized the computing world, and I for one will miss Steve Jobs.  It took me time to realize his genius, but I have, and will admit to being a late comer. 

   The six most mis-used words in the English language – ‘this is a FOX News alert’.  Sheesh!

   Once again I have been hearing that unemployment benefits return $1.84 to the economy for every $1.00 it  costs.  This argument is used to show unemployment benefits are ‘good’ for the economy.  I say unemployment benefits for everyone – why, the economy would be ablaze!!! What twisted logic.

   I have no clue what is going to happen in Libya, nor does anyone else.  What I do know is this – we here in America have our definitions of democracy, what we at least perceive as democracy.  Even within this country there are many different interpretations.  In the Middle East, ‘their’ definitions are quite different.  Take Egypt – the uprisings and rebellion there this past summer promised total freedom.  Let us be clear, their definition of freedom will never be like ours, at least like ours once was – we still have the most freedom in the world – the Mid-East will never have freedom like here.

   Everyone was all atwitter regards VP Biden’s supposed agreement with China’s one child policy.  Here is a point in this discussion that I’ve heard absolutely nobody address and it jumped right out of the TV screen at me.

   Mr. Biden said “You have no safety net. Your policy has been one which I fully understand -- I’m not second-guessing -- of one child per family. The result being that you’re in a position where one wage earner will be taking care of four retired people. Not sustainable.”  (Emphasis mine).  NOBODY picked up on this!!!

   Now class, a question for you – is not this the current state of our Social Security system?  Does not one worker support four retirees?  If it is not sustainable for the Chinese, how in the sam hill is it for we Americanos?  Answers in fifty words or less please.

Thursday, August 11, 2011

This’n That

   I was asked several months ago by a family member who I thought would be the Republican nominee for President.  I said I did not know, perhaps someone not presently known.  They wanted to know what I thought about Romney.  I said then, and I say now, the opposition will focus on his being a Mormon.  Me?  I could care less about Mitt’s being Mormon, I just know the other side.  And guess what – they are introducing the word ‘weird’ when referring to ole Mitt.  They make me sick at times.

   I said leading up to, and I will say again, I am ‘glad’ for the S&P downgrade of the United States.  I am hoping, really hoping, this is the impetus to get The Congress off their collective asses and do something about spending.  I know it may be painful – so be it! We need to suck in our collective bellies and take the medicine.  It ‘is’ a sad commentary Congress had to come up with this special committee in order to do what the entire Congress can’t seem to do, but if that is what the cowards wanna do, so be it! 

   I was grateful to see the result of the recall election in Wisconsin.  It gives me ‘hope’ for the country.  Unions poured big bucks there in order to take back the majority in the Senate – they failed.  It was glorious watching ‘The Ed Show’, just to listen to him spin the outcome.  Regardless, thank you Wisconsin voters for restoring abit of my confidence.

   Do you realize in Europe, there is rioting going on because benefits are being slashed?  The people doing the rioting are getting arrested.  In ‘this’ country, the people trying to cut spending are called terrorists.  Do you find that just abit ironic? 

   Been wondering why no media is covering the flash mobs of black on white attacks?  I have.  Why, there should be hate crime charges galore, but noooooo.  I suppose these flash mobs could be the for-runner for what is going on in Europe.

Wednesday, August 03, 2011

Various and Sundry Things In The News

   Were you to order a new iPad 2, it now ships within 24 hours. Took a while to catch up, but leave it to Apple to do the impossible.

   Do you want to ‘remove’ yourself from all background check websites?  Might wanna check this site out.  Can not guarantee the results, but it can’t hurt to check it out.  And, you might want to check the comments below the article.

   The media wants you to believe those wascally Republicans shut down the FAA because they just will not compromise – here then, the rest of the story.

   In times past, I have written about how I was not a John McCain fan.  After his performance on the floor of the Senate calling Tea Party folks ‘hobbits’, I can say that I am glad he did not get elected.  My respect for McCain has dropped to zero.  He begged those hobbits for their support during his recent campaign. You can have him, I don’t want him.

   We are continually bombarded with ‘Big Oil’ gouging the American people.  Didja ever wonder why they don’t go after someone like Apple?  I mean, Apple has things we want to play with, niceties.  Why don’t these yayhoos ever go after companies like Apple?  Hmmmm????  I just get sick of oil always being the enemy.  We cannot do without oil… I could do without my iPad, although I wouldn’t be happy.

   Check this article five paragraphs down – I guess I am just stunned.  I don’t understand their rationale at all.

   Since President Obama has Executive authority to assassinate American terrorists on foreign soil, I think I will cancel my travel plans outside these shores.  Yes, I am a proud terrorist according to Vice President Joseph Biden… and by the way.  I am a doggone proud terrorist!!!

   I guess I will get my Social Security check this month, but my IRA is taking it in the shorts.  Sigh.  Guess I better git my buying shoes on again. It gets harder and harder the older I get.

Monday, August 01, 2011

TaxPayers WIN !!! Wheeeeeee !!!

   And, if you believe taxpayers, the Tea Party, Republicans or whatever you want to call them have won, you are an imbecile. We have given assurances for new tax increases in the future. As usual, the word emergency is written into this new bill (not passed at this writing).  In other words, if there is an emergency we will not be able to cut defense, and we dang sure won’t be able to cut Medicare.  Therefore an emergency will be present and we will ‘have’ to raise taxes in order to avert disaster.  If anyone things around Christmas time anyone is going to cut Medicare they are smoking something.  Further, they are not going to cut Medicare to the beneficiaries anyway… they will once again go to the providers, and in the end, that will be a cut to beneficiaries. 

   Congress has once again abdicated ‘their’ responsibilities by turning the tough decisions over to a six member panel / commission, whatever you wanna call them.  Harry Reid makes my skin literally crawl, and McConnell and Boehner are not much better.  They are yellow, all of them are yellow cowards, afraid to take a stand.

   I literally do not care anymore.  It is a proven fact that has taken me aloooong time to realize… the establishment runs the joint.  I knew it, I just didn’t believe it.  Media people agog over the fact Tea Party people would not buckle.  Well, in the end, they all buckle.  The pressure is too great. 

   And by the fricking way – who cares if the ratings agencies   downgrade us and raise the interest rate the government has to pay on the debt. Just raise the debt limit you idiots.  In the end, that is what they are saying anyway. 

   I say, we may as well default now and get it over with.  The sooner we clean up our act, the better off the country will be.  It will be tough, but then, it was tough staying outta debt myself over the course of my life.  I see now, I was a wingnut.