I see the Reverend Al Sharpton has gotten his own show on MSNBC – when it fails (and it will), I promise, Al will say it was in some way because of racism. Write it down.
Anyone heard of the horrible devastation in Joplin lately? Just wondering. Must be all rebuilt. Thank you President Obama.
The iPad has revolutionized the computing world, and I for one will miss Steve Jobs. It took me time to realize his genius, but I have, and will admit to being a late comer.
The six most mis-used words in the English language – ‘this is a FOX News alert’. Sheesh!
Once again I have been hearing that unemployment benefits return $1.84 to the economy for every $1.00 it costs. This argument is used to show unemployment benefits are ‘good’ for the economy. I say unemployment benefits for everyone – why, the economy would be ablaze!!! What twisted logic.
I have no clue what is going to happen in Libya, nor does anyone else. What I do know is this – we here in America have our definitions of democracy, what we at least perceive as democracy. Even within this country there are many different interpretations. In the Middle East, ‘their’ definitions are quite different. Take Egypt – the uprisings and rebellion there this past summer promised total freedom. Let us be clear, their definition of freedom will never be like ours, at least like ours once was – we still have the most freedom in the world – the Mid-East will never have freedom like here.
Everyone was all atwitter regards VP Biden’s supposed agreement with China’s one child policy. Here is a point in this discussion that I’ve heard absolutely nobody address and it jumped right out of the TV screen at me.
Mr. Biden said “You have no safety net. Your policy has been one which I fully understand -- I’m not second-guessing -- of one child per family. The result being that you’re in a position where one wage earner will be taking care of four retired people. Not sustainable.” (Emphasis mine). NOBODY picked up on this!!!
Now class, a question for you – is not this the current state of our Social Security system? Does not one worker support four retirees? If it is not sustainable for the Chinese, how in the sam hill is it for we Americanos? Answers in fifty words or less please.