And On We Go…
About all there is to say about The Donald is he forced The President to finally do something he should have done when this controversy was first raised. Donald is still a media whore, and I still do not believe he will run for President of The United States. It is a sad commentary when a reality TV persona is what finally forces Mr. Obama to git off the pot. Sad indeed. And the only reason he finally released the document is because of what the polls were saying – only 38% strongly believed him. “HE” created that distrust.
News stories are filled with stories about an Afgan pilot firing on NATO troops. Sad as any loss of life is in war, when you are told NATO, you at least think it may not be U.S. troops. You have to dig just a bit to find all (eight or nine) killed were Americans. I dunno – I just don’t like deceit.
I want you to pay attention to President Obama, and for that matter any national democrat of any stature when they talk about the need to cut spending. They all say it needs to be done, and then they will say there are many places to cut. They just won’t say where. The know Medicare and Medicaid are in trouble and that cuts are needed, but will not name even one. Contrast this with what Paul Ryan is saying and you will understand why there is a problem. Just wanting you to listen closely as they spew. It can be entertaining.