John Smyzer's Ramblings

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

And On We Go…

   About all there is to say about The Donald is he forced The President to finally do something he should have done when this controversy was first raised.  Donald is still a media whore, and I still do not believe he will run for President of The United States. It is a sad commentary when a reality TV persona is what finally forces Mr. Obama to git off the pot. Sad indeed.  And the only reason he finally released the document is because of what the polls were saying – only 38% strongly believed him.  “HE” created that distrust.

   News stories are filled with stories about an Afgan pilot firing on NATO troops.  Sad as any loss of life is in war, when you are told NATO, you at least think it may not be U.S. troops.  You have to dig just a bit to find all (eight or nine) killed were Americans.  I dunno – I just don’t like deceit.

   I want you to pay attention to President Obama, and for that matter any national democrat of any stature when they talk about the need to cut spending.  They all say it needs to be done, and then they will say there are many places to cut.  They just won’t say where.  The know Medicare and Medicaid are in trouble and that cuts are needed, but will not name even one.  Contrast this with what Paul Ryan is saying and you will understand why there is a problem.   Just wanting you to listen closely as they spew. It can be entertaining.

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

This’n That

   I’m retired and don’t have to drive like those who are still working – it appears to me ya’ll better get locked in because I am of the opinion The President’s policies are engineered to not only make fossil fuels more scarce, but force change in this country. Witness the latest:   This does not just happen folks – it is a concerted effort on the part of the administration IMHO.

   Didja ever wonder when a horrific tornado comes along and the media says something like – this is the worst tornado to hit since 19 and 62 or some such lingo.  Umm, I wonder what caused it back then, the looming ice age?  Or, you will hear someone around 25-30 say… I’ve never seen flooding so bad around here. Umm, you are only 25.  This is not to minimize the terrible floods and storms presently inundating the southern portions of this country; I just listen to words. 

   I still think Trumps flirtation is media hype – just not buying it! The only reason he has backing at all is because people perceive he has a couple of items swinging tween his legs.  Put it any way you want, that is the reason.  They will skewer him.

   Dunno what the experience of others who have served their country in the military has been, but speaking for myself… in the last ten years I have been thanked more for my military service than I was ever thanked while on active duty.  In fact, I’m not sure I was ‘ever’ thanked while on active duty.  I find this peculiar, but I think I also know what it means.  The Pendulum ‘will’ swing the other way.   When it does, it will mean nothing to me, but for those of today who have known nothing but hearing ‘thanks’ it will be a shocker. 

   This story should scare you to death and help you understand we cannot continue this path.  Wages account for the lowest share of income since the govmint began keeping track.  And a record 18.3% of income was payment FROM the govmint.  Hang on you young taxpayers.  I have a few more years to kick the can.

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Passing Thoughts Along The Path

   Donald Trump – Sir Donald is a media whore.  Not too much more to say.  “If” he is the Republican nominee I will eat my hat. In fact, I doubt if he will even run.  It ‘is’ funny watching the media, who has kissed ole Don’s posterior for years, now begin to castigate him because he is talking about running.  Quite revealing actually.  But again, he is nothing more than a media whore. Period!

   I have NO clue as to what will happen as it pertains to raising the debt limit – I do know this; the debt limit has been raised more than 70 times since March 1962.  So in my humble opinion, maybe, just maybe it is time to try a different tact. At least get something in return. BTW, what does it mean if they do not raise the limit.  Does it then mean we have to live within our means? Hmmm???   That might just be a good thing.

   Once again the call for tax hikes is running rampant.  I fail to understand why people cannot get it through their heads that people of wealth can find a way around taxes if they so desire.  And, generally speaking it is not their fault.  If Congress has passed laws allowing the circumvention of paying the taxes, IT IS LEGAL.  Congress is where the issue is, and where it will remain. Do you realize just how simple this ‘could’ be?  Course it would put allot of lawyers and accountants out of work.  A flat tax.  Nothing else need be said – you could eliminate the income tax and all deductions immediately.  You would just be taxed on everything. Guess what… the rich would be buying the most, and accordingly would be paying the most, (just like they do now). 

   I remain convinced that Sarah Palin has more gonads than any man running (from either party)… she does not however (in my opinion), stand a chance of every being elected.  I maintain it is the shrillness of her voice… men would wake up during the night with beads of sweat on their forehead if they thought they had to listen to that for a full term.  My opinion, and I believe I am right. One thing is for sure… Johnny J off the street corner could not do any worse than what we are getting now. 

   Whether or not there is anything at all to the birther issue – know this, and know it well.  Our President could end this controversy very quickly if he just would.  He finds it to be to his advantage to let it fester.  So be it Mr. President.  You have proven one thing very well – you are proficient in dividing us… go to the head of the class Sir.

Tuesday, April 05, 2011

NBC Malpractice (In MY Opinion)

   Tonight NBC Nightly News led off with Chuck Todd and Kelly O’Donnell – they were talking about the budget mess.

   Chuck talked about LAST YEARS budget without saying so.  Kelly talked about the upcoming year, again without saying so.

   Here is what they neglected to say, and I consider it malpractice they did not bring this up. The democrats had a solid majority last year… if you doubt me, think health care.  They did not get even one Republican vote in the House while passing health care.  That means they could have passed a budget without even one Republican vote.  Do you hear me NBC???  They did not need even one Republican vote.  That is what is going on right now – the wascally Republicans are cleaning up the feces left by  the Democrat Congress (who I might add as a side note got voted outta office).

   I will guran-gol-dang-tee the Republicans “WILL” pass a budget for the upcoming year.  It will be the opening salvo in what is called negotiations.

   NBC should be ashamed of themselves – big-time!!

A Few Passing Thoughts

   So I see Micky Ds is gonna hire 50K people all at one whack.  I wonder what happened back in October 2010 – oh, that’s right, McDonalds was granted a waiver  from The President’s health care fiasco.  Further, what happened to the tried and true democrat reply of McDonald’s jobs just being burger flipper jobs.  Today they are great jobs.  Un-fricking believable.

   I am not too sure what to make of this, but I doubt it matters. I don’t think Huckabee will run anyway. Sorta like looking for an birth certificate.

   It will be interesting if Trump runs.  They will rip him from one end to another, just like any other Republican – the difference?  Trump doesn’t give a rat’s patooie.  Just does not care.  I hope he does just for the diversion.  Not sure he’d garner my vote, but it would be fun to see him run.  First of all, I have NOTHING against any company that can get by without paying taxes.  If the lawyers can find the loopholes to get the company off, there is only one culprit…. and if you have to be schooled as to who is at fault for tax law, shame on you. I ‘do’ however blame the democrats for their hypocrisy in naming the head of GE, Jeffery Immelt to be the jobs czar.  Hypocrites one and all. 

   Sure get a kick out of Pelosi and crew complaining about the budget sausage being cooked right now.  I am talking about THIS year’s budget, the one Pelosi and crew were supposed to pass.  They were afraid to put it out in an election year, and now the chicks are coming home to roost.  Shut it down – hang tough and stick it in their craw.