John Smyzer's Ramblings

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Passing Thoughts Along The Path

   Donald Trump – Sir Donald is a media whore.  Not too much more to say.  “If” he is the Republican nominee I will eat my hat. In fact, I doubt if he will even run.  It ‘is’ funny watching the media, who has kissed ole Don’s posterior for years, now begin to castigate him because he is talking about running.  Quite revealing actually.  But again, he is nothing more than a media whore. Period!

   I have NO clue as to what will happen as it pertains to raising the debt limit – I do know this; the debt limit has been raised more than 70 times since March 1962.  So in my humble opinion, maybe, just maybe it is time to try a different tact. At least get something in return. BTW, what does it mean if they do not raise the limit.  Does it then mean we have to live within our means? Hmmm???   That might just be a good thing.

   Once again the call for tax hikes is running rampant.  I fail to understand why people cannot get it through their heads that people of wealth can find a way around taxes if they so desire.  And, generally speaking it is not their fault.  If Congress has passed laws allowing the circumvention of paying the taxes, IT IS LEGAL.  Congress is where the issue is, and where it will remain. Do you realize just how simple this ‘could’ be?  Course it would put allot of lawyers and accountants out of work.  A flat tax.  Nothing else need be said – you could eliminate the income tax and all deductions immediately.  You would just be taxed on everything. Guess what… the rich would be buying the most, and accordingly would be paying the most, (just like they do now). 

   I remain convinced that Sarah Palin has more gonads than any man running (from either party)… she does not however (in my opinion), stand a chance of every being elected.  I maintain it is the shrillness of her voice… men would wake up during the night with beads of sweat on their forehead if they thought they had to listen to that for a full term.  My opinion, and I believe I am right. One thing is for sure… Johnny J off the street corner could not do any worse than what we are getting now. 

   Whether or not there is anything at all to the birther issue – know this, and know it well.  Our President could end this controversy very quickly if he just would.  He finds it to be to his advantage to let it fester.  So be it Mr. President.  You have proven one thing very well – you are proficient in dividing us… go to the head of the class Sir.


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