This’n That
I watched ‘Trump’ on ‘The View’ this past week talk about President Obama’s birth certificate. Here is the simple truth in a nutshell. 1) The President likes the controversy. He feels it benefits him, period. 2) The President could very easily, and I do mean easily, erase the controversy. That’s it. Nothing more. I will say, it was worth the price of admission to watch Whoopi go ballistic about the issue when Trump brought it up.
Just a general observation. Anyone who has read this blog for an extended period of time ‘knows’ my feelings about Katrina. I get as mad today as I did then about the scorn heaped on our government regards their response. I just wanted to note the people of Japan – those who have endured post the horrific earthquake and subsequent tsunami. The peoples reaction is what I would describe as grace. And by the way, have you heard even one story about looting in Japan? I have not – think back to Katrina folks. And think about this – I have been in hurricanes and typhoons. You have at least three days warning it is coming.
Enforcing a no fly zone. No lover of Gadhafi I, but please just tell me the truth. No fly zone my buttocks. Just tell me the mission is to, yes, enforce a no fly zone, but we are also going to destroy equipment that CANNOT FLY!!! Holy crap… do words mean nothing? And by the way, do we yet know who the rebels are? Nope, I can answer that quite easily.
I wish my iPad would get here – I need a diversion!!! The cover has arrived, and all I can do is finger it gently.
I saw Trump on The View as well and found Whoopi's reaction rather ridiculous. Trump said it perfectly. The Prez could easily clear it up. Such a simple thing. Surely it's required to show proof of citizenship when running for president. We have to show proof when getting hired at a new job. It's the LAW!
Tootsie, at 5:28 PM
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