Government Healthcare At It’s Finest
So – I kept seeing an ad in the paper from a local pharmacy saying if one had diabetes, it might be possible to get shoes for free through Medicare. This piqued my interest, and, since I have the honor of having diabetes I called.
The lady said one needed a script from their doctor and then Medicare would pay 80% and your insurance would normally pick up the remainder. I said, what if one didn’t want to bother with the doctor and just wanted the shoes. She said $100.00 American for the shoes, and $20.00 for the inserts (three pair).
I got the script from my doctor – I drove to the pharmacy and told the fellow what I was interested in – now, he doesn’t know I have a script with me, so I pulsed him how the deal worked. He repeated what the lady had told me on the phone. I said, how much would it be if my supplemental did not cover the shoes. He said my share (20%) would be around $80.00 American. This means they would be billing Medicare right around $400.00.
Now, as a taxpayer I was simply amazed and made some comment about good ole Uncle Sugar. Fella looked me right in the eye and said we (the pharmacy) need and have a right to get a cut of the pie. I don’t even disagree with that, but my simpleton math says these shoes have been marked up about 300%. So I of course saw this as a good deal for all concerned and ordered a pair; in fact asked if I could have two. NO – just one per year, so you know where I will be next January.
Gotta write my grandson (who just began working), a note and thank him for paying taxes. In reality this makes me want to vomit, but we deserve it, don’t we?
Having worked in the medical profession for several years, I know the provider can NOT charge any insurance carrier, including Medicare, a different price from what they charge a cash paying customer. Medicare would want you to report that fraud!
Tootsie, at 8:29 PM
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