John Smyzer's Ramblings

Friday, September 25, 2009

YouTube - (No background music) School kids taught to praise Obama

Do you remember, less than one year ago, it was almost a dadgummed ‘crime’ to utter the middle name of our president?  Times, they do change don’t they?  

Thursday, September 24, 2009

The Afghan Dilemma

   Dunno how this is going to end.  I vividly remember, and have noted, both back during the presidential campaign, and again post election the democrat spew on Afghanistan.  They (including President Obama) could not talk enough about how all along we should have been in Afghanistan, and <when I get into the office>, we will do it right.

   It was as clear to me then as it is now.  When it got tough, they would change their mind.  Now we have two top generals calling for more troops… one general was handpicked by President Obama to be his leader in the Afghan war.  The other, led the surge in Iraq which even the democrat party was forced to admit was successful.

   In my mind, if President Obama disagrees with these generals, the generals will have ‘no’ choice but to resign.  None, zero, notta. We may as well fold the tent.

   2012?  Let me be the first to perhaps see President David Petraeus in the future of these United States.

Friday, September 18, 2009

Passing Thoughts

   I was listening to President Obama in full campaign mode giving a speech the other day. When he is in that mode, he gets his rhythm going like I define as street talk.  President Bush used to do the same thing at times when he’d talk to groups like those in the south.  He’d get that drawl going the better to identify with those he was talking to at the time.  President Clinton did the same.

   This realization made me think of Ronald Reagan.  Think back to anytime you can remember him talking to anyone.  He was always the same.  I appreciated him in so many ways, but his being genuine, in retrospect may be one of the things I appreciated the most.

   Many think the two young reporters have been successful in shutting down ACORN.  I do not discount one bit what they have done to bring to light the inner workings of that organization.  I do caution one and all for what is coming.  Both the House and the Senate have voted to defund ACORN (at least part of ACORN).  Here is the catch.  ‘Before’ that gets voted into law, it must go before a conference committee.  The conference committee can strike anything they want from the bill and then it has to be voted on up or down.  No more debate possible after conference.  Many things are snuck through that way. 

   Me?  I will believe it when I see the defunding in the final bill and not until.  Congress is corrupt, that much you surely know by now. 

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Administration Is Quiet On ACORN

Abit of ACORN Reading

   I wonder <WHY> we have been hearing absolutely nothing from the administration regarding ACORN. 

   Click the link above – towards the bottom of the page, there are five different links you can click to ‘see’ some of the associations.  Hmmm, very quiet doncha think?

Obama Plans Back-to-Back TV Interviews Sunday - The Caucus Blog -

   ABC – NBC – CBS – CNN – UNIVISION – see anyone missing?   No skin off my nose, but, were “I” advising POTUS, I would tell him ‘to’ appear on that ‘other’ network.  You might just be able to persuade some people you desperately need. 

Obama Plans Back-to-Back TV Interviews Sunday - The Caucus Blog -

In AM Radio Appearance, Charles Gibson Unaware of Five Day-Old ACORN Controversy, Senate Vote to De-Fund |

   I know this much – I heard Bernie Goldberg the other night in an interview say, we should stop calling the main street media that, because they have proved they no longer are ‘main stream’. 

   I heard the interchange below on the radio. I heard Mr. Gibson make his comments outta his own mouth.  Bernie is right. 

   Over the course of time I have referred to the ‘main stream media’ often in derisive tones.  Gibson is exhibit A.  I will make every effort to no longer refer to them as ‘main stream’, because they definitely are NOT in the main stream.  

In AM Radio Appearance, Charles Gibson Unaware of Five Day-Old ACORN Controversy, Senate Vote to De-Fund |

Saturday, September 12, 2009

The March on Washington

   Dunno about you, but what has struck me the most about all the tea parties, the demonstrations, whatever it is you want to call them…  contrast the people who are going to ‘these’ protests directed at government waste, against any protest you can think of where people are ‘wanting more’ of something.  Just look at the participants.

   If you do not see a difference in the makeup of the different crowds you don’t want to see the difference. So they yell abit. One can look and see they are the people (in general), who make this country work.  They are wage earners, or at least were until recently. 

   I think Americans have had it up to their proverbial ears.  They are standing up, they will be heard.  I love it!!!

WH on health care, illegal immigrants - First Read -

   Well, this was part of the Friday night pre-weekend new dump our White House’s are used to doing.  Turns out Joe Wilson evidently was right.  Poor Joe… he could not restrain himself, and no, I do not condone his outburst.  I do find it very hypocritical he has been pounced on though.  People forget how President Bush was treated. 

   The most interesting thing in this story to me though is in paragraph four where it says in part – public funds would be used to reimburse hospitals for their care of undocumented immigrants.  Just another sleight of hand in my opinion. 

   It should be said that President Obama evidently did NOT know what was in his own plan and Ole Joe had actually read the durned thing.  In the end, ‘we’ are going to pay for them, plain and simple.  At least till the money runs out… regardless, if you wanna read this story, click on the link below.

WH on health care, illegal immigrants - First Read -

Wednesday, September 09, 2009

The World Is Small

   As many know, I spend part of my leisure time moving vehicles around the country.  At times I will shuttle another driver when there is an urgent need and the wait for public transportation is unfeasible.

   Yesterday I shuttled an individual to Ainsworth NE – I had never met him in my life.  He is 71 years old.  We began some casual conversation as it was a four plus hour drive. 

   Turns out he was in the Air Force for ten years active duty… further turns out, he did the same job I did specialty wise.  Conversation begins to pick up.  We begin telling umm, war stories… any old G.I. will understand.

   I began to tell him about the man who had influenced me the ‘most’ during my military career.  How he had molded me and pointed the way, telling me in the end to always be true to myself.  I never mentioned his name, only his nickname. “The Bear”. 

   So this guy tells me one of the best men he ever worked for and his name… I know you are ahead of me here, but can you believe this?  It was the same man – it has been 1970 since “I” worked for him, and this fellow had to have done so ‘before that!!

   In the end, reflecting on this incident, I was stunned.  I have looked ‘The Bear’ up on the internet – he is mid 70s these days; I will attempt calling him later today. :)

Monday, September 07, 2009

A Teachable Moment

   It’s funny the twists and turns we take down life’s path.  I had a nephew who was able to visit a prominent museum for ‘free’ because he had a, shall we say, a prominent credit card.  Having that credit card allowed him to enter ‘free’.  Nephew said this was one of the few redeeming things that could be said for this credit card company.

   As we geezers know, nothing is free.  In fact, let’s waltz through this a little bit.  We know these companies have raised their interest rates to very high rates, thereby taking advantage of those who can least  afford to pay. 

   Now, I suspect this company has an agreement with the museum of some sort that makes it profitable for the company to allow their card holders to enter without paying.  Further, it also means my nephew is getting to see these artifacts on the backs of the oppressed, because the card company is obviously able to let some enter without paying because of high interest rates charged others. 

  It is a wicked web we weave; the point of this is not to single out the young who believe they know ‘the way’.  I often wonder what my father used to think of some of my thoughts. :)  The specific point is, nothing, and I do mean nothing is free!!!

Sunday, September 06, 2009

Health Care Insurance Reform

   Is it just me or do you think people in general would agree with ‘reform’ if they could just see that other government healthcare entities were solvent.

   I get so tired of the argument that seniors are happy with Medicare, so why are they crabbing about what is being proposed.

    Perhaps, just perhaps the seniors see what has happened (money wise), with Medicare, Medicaid etc.,  and are trying to prevent the same thing from happening to whatever system they come up with.  If Medicare ‘and’ Social Security were solvent, I bet you the town hall folks would be singing a different tune!!!  In my opinion anyway.

Obama 'green jobs' adviser quits amid controversy

   Think about this for just a tick or two.  Can you name me even ‘one’ main street media type who revealed who this guy is?  I suspect, once people begin digging, there will be more revealed about some of the czars.  There is a reason to be approved / vetted by the Senate. 

   It is a sad state of affairs when people like Glenn Beck do what journalists used to do.  You would think it would be embarrassing to the profession. 

   If you do know of a journalist who was digging into Mr. Jones prior to his resignation, I would like to read their stories.

Obama 'green jobs' adviser quits amid controversy

Wednesday, September 02, 2009

Afghanistan Revisit

Back in January, the 11th to be precise, I wrote an entry regarding the democrat parties insistence we had been fighting the wrong war.  Over and over during the Bush administration, he had been criticized for going to Iraq instead of Afghanistan.  This was normal fodder for then candidate Obama during the campaign.

Well, when elected, Mr. Obama showed he was committed by sending additional troops to the war zone in Afghanistan.  At the time, there were very few casualties and this showed just how tough ‘this’ democrat was gonna be. 

It is now getting tough.  This is what I alluded to back in January – there are voices being raised to get out.  This will be quite interesting to watch.  I dunno who is right and who is wrong.  I do know this; if Iraq was the wrong place to go for eight years, and Afghanistan was where we should have been, what has changed? 

For those who say the Taliban has now moved into Pakistan from Afghanistan, are we now going to go there?  Don’t bet on it – if anything, we will be bringing the troops home from the middle east in toto.  This will once again illuminate the false argument the democrat party used for many years.  But now the going has gotten tough, and the polls they are a changing.