When To Stop Drinking | Masala Time
When To Stop Drinking | Masala Time
If you have ever had one too many (I of course have not), you will identify with some of these shots and get a laugh or two along the way.
When To Stop Drinking | Masala Time
If you have ever had one too many (I of course have not), you will identify with some of these shots and get a laugh or two along the way.
Strategy corner: End class warfare - Mark Penn - POLITICO.com
Mark Penn, in case you do not know was prominent within the Clinton administration. About the only thing I disagree with in this article is when Penn states Obama steered clear of the class warfare argument during the campaign.
It is possible I am abit more sensitive to this argument than Mr. Penn, but I recall hearing it (the class argument), in nearly every talk/speech I heard The President give. Still do.
When a prominent democrat begins to talk about excessive use this argument, it may be time for people to listen. I know I’ve grown sick of it for quite a period of time.
Gates caller didn’t cite race, police say - The Boston Globe
Man I hope they end up releasing the tapes of this incident. It will settle the whole thing in the sense it will ‘reveal’ who is lying. And someone ‘is’ lying. Any bets?
I have a video of Professor Gates in 1996 blasting Clarence Thomas and Newt Gingrich. Does that tell you even a teensy weensy bit? Naaa, didn’t think so, and even when the tapes are released (if they are), and they clearly show the arrogance of said Prof it still won’t convince those that need convincing. Oh, and the Prof also has a show being produced for PBS about race relations. Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha.
When they emerge from drinking their rotgut beer, all will be deemed as having been solved. We came together, we supped, we better understand each other’s sensitivities.
Obama Shifts Tone on Gates After Mulling Debate - NYTimes.com
What I want to know is ‘why’ The President would comment at all, let alone in the manner he did, ‘BEFORE’ knowing the facts. If you think for one minute I would accept the invitation to the White House for a beer ya got another think coming. Especially when I know the reason for the invite is the fact the public is in an uproar over the incident.
And for those of you who thought the election of a black president would signal the end of racism… think again, and please think logically. Racism will be in this world until ‘He’ returns. Through education one can learn to live with others, but eliminate racism? Never happen. Welcome to the real world.
I do so hope the tape recordings of this incident are released. I’d bed my last dime they reveal the obnoxious behavior of one of the ‘elite’, or I should say, one who thinks they are elite. I am very proud that Sergeant Crowley had the guts to stand up to the Big Guy. Good for him.
In late June I received a letter addressed to ‘resident’. Content of said letter said in part: “To better serve all people across the nation, the United States Public Health Service is conducting a national study on health-related issues. Your address was randomly chosen along with more than 200,000 others.” The letter went on for two additional paragraphs. Me? I’m getting madder with each line I read.
The letter even told me who was gonna show up… one each Eduardo Vazquez from Research Triangle Institute (RTI). The letter went on to say they would pay $30.00 U.S. if one participated in an interview. I’m telling you, by now I am livid.
So, days go by, then a couple weeks, and low and behold on 15 July 2009 A.D. ole Eduardo rings my bell. I gave him the opportunity to introduce himself and then told him to HIT THE ROAD! He was taken aback and wanted to know if I’d gotten their letter, and realized I could benefit by participating. I told him you bet your sweet cheeks I got it; the letter made me mad, the offer of money made me madder – I didn’t need his fricking money and to HIT THE ROAD!
As I watched him go to the next door in the block I also knew they were fricking liars. Random my hinny.
Was it legit? Dunno, don’t care.
For the record, I like the way she pauses, thinks, and then answers her questions. She gives insightful and thoughtful answers.
I thought Senator Graham’s citing anonymous comments about how mean she was to lawyers who brought cases before her can be omitted. For me, if you are going to criticize someone, be big enough to do so publicly or shut your yap.
What I do NOT like is the presumed Justice not owning up to her own thoughts espoused more than once in speeches. I can certainly understand one mis-speaking when giving an off the cuff talk or speech. However, to give a speech with basically the same content over and over, reiterating the same theme, and then having to back off those thoughts in front of this committee makes me sad. Own up to it Ms. Sotomayer. She can’t, and we all know it! Sad but true.
Regardless, ‘overall’, she is what one would expect from President Obama, and he did win the election. One things for sure. She can’t be any worse than the Justice she is replacing!
Sometime ago our local triple A ballclub decided they were going to leave Omaha when they tore down Rosenblatt Stadium. The condensed version is, the owner did not want to charge the people who go to the ballpark to park. The ballclub is the Omaha Royals, farmclub of the Kansas City Royals.
So, Sarpy county where I happen to live decided to go after this ballclub. The county ‘hired’ a group to do the legwork on landing the team and this team was indeed successful. While the location selected was not where I would have preferred, it is within the county and it does mean the team will remain in the area for another 20-25 years.
So, today’s Omaha World Herald has a story about the bill coming due for this team that the country “HIRED” to get the job done. The bill exceeded 650K. That in itself is allot of money, no doubt, but the county should have known what the bill was as it accumulated. They were the experts we voters hired. Regardless, that is only part of the story.
The World Herald goes on to talk about all the other things that could have been done with these monies… umm, more county vehicles, more jobs kept, you get the idea. I think they listed five different things that could have been better usage of the money than to pay the firm they ‘HIRED’.
As time goes by, you are going to see more and more instances where those making more money than ‘someone’ thinks appropriate will be publicly identified. The World Herald in my opinion, should have gone after those who ‘HIRED’ the firm, and focused on the contract they agreed to with said firm. Makes me ill, and I’m not making anything.
I really have one thing and one thing only to say in this matter. It amazes me how people are expected to forget ‘everything’ bad we’ve been told about Michael, and yet we are supposed to take as gospel, all the bad about Ms. Rowe, all we’ve heard bad about MJ’s father, and everything bad about any other person affiliated with Mr. Michael Jackson.
So be it – it is very similar to politics. One believes what they want. Rest in peace Michael.
Has anyone seen our Secretary of State? I mean, aren’t there several hot spots in and around the world?
Seems to me this woman is the most inconspicuous Secretary of State in my memory. Perhaps The President has her right where he wants her? Hmmm.
It’s a lead pipe cinch nobody knows what Sarah is up to. I have listened to all the pundits spew their thoughts and it is apparent nobody knows. Nor I might add, do I.
People who have thought Karl Rove was the very epitome of the devil himself are now quoting Karl because he is saying some not so nice things about the avenue Sarah has taken. Same old story – when one says what they want to hear, they say he is a great sage.
I dunno what she’s up to either; I think the dust will settle soon and we will know what she’s up to. Until then? Just speculating like everyone else. Fun though. :)
So ABC Evening News last night had a story regarding car sales improving. The thrust of the story had to do with the fact the car sales may be turning around for the better. Chrysler down 41+% from a year ago, and GM down 31+% from a year ago. Ford was still down 10+% from a year ago, and yet???? Things are turning around? This is horse residue!!!
Later on the local news, they were reporting a national story. The headline was – Economy Improving…. and yet, in the next breath they are talking about the unemployment rate is rising nationally, approaching 10%.
I realize one can make figures say anything, but these people are nutso. We little people can tell when the economy turns, that is number one, but please, when you report a story, at least make it plausible.
So, the fine citizens of Minnesota have a new Senator. It will be interesting to watch this fellow. I wonder if in the end, they (Minnesotans), will be as regretful as they ended up being with Gov. Ventura.
I have said many times, we get precisely what we deserve. What with recent politician’s actions, one might ask what difference does it make hiring a comedian. Tough question to answer. I don’t know what the answer is; I do know Al Franken will be a disaster – both for Minnesota and for America.