John Smyzer's Ramblings

Friday, June 26, 2009

Passing Thoughts

1) Yes, I agree, Farrah and Michael both passed too quickly.  While I was not a ‘fan’ of either, they were still too young.

2)  The leaders in Iran and Mark Sanford are the luckiest people in the world.  (see item #1).  Who knows what is happening in Iran since the deaths in #1 were announced.

3) Gov. Sanford should resign pronto.  There are no excuses, period!

4) Imagine if you will – Sanford was talked about as V.P. for McCain – sigh.

5) – and life goes on.  To quote the House Judiciary Committee chairman - “The powers that be decided against it.” 

Friday, June 19, 2009

Killing The Fly & More

   President Obama:  “I’m going to start at where I’ll contrast…”.  Now, the link above is ‘the’ infamous killing of the fly by The President.  I have purposefully waited to see if any commentator had the same thought I did; evidently none have.

   Twenty seconds into the video he says what is in quotes above. To me, that implies he is telling his aide to reposition the teleprompter to that spot.  That further implies the interview is  fully scripted… and therefore if the teleprompter is not positioned to where he left off he is lost. 

   Am I the only one who has seen this??? Or, as many have suggested, am I full of crapola?  Dunno, but it sure seems like to me the ‘great one’ needs a teleprompter at all times, in all settings to be effective… which indeed he is when speaking. 

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Palin vs. Letterman

   Who’s winning?  Who cares?  It seems to this observer Palin has forced Mr. David to apologize like he means it!! Whether or not he does is speculation. 

   My opinion?  The ‘only’ reason he has done so is because he’s catching flack, and not from Palin.  He could care less about Palin; take that to the bank. But, when liberals begin to see / say he is wrong, he changes his tune. 

   I continue to be amazed with the democrat reaction to Ms. Palin.  If she is so fricking dumb, just shut up and let her flail.  Why be so  vitriolic in condemning her?  I don’t get their reaction to her. 

   All we as human beings have to do to know if Letterman’s joke was OK, is change the name of the child who was the subject of the joke.  Nothing more complicated than that… life is simple at times.

Monday, June 15, 2009

There are Prisoners and Then There Are Prisoners

Contrast if you will, the prisoners released from Gitmo, now lounging in Bermuda, and the American P.O.W.s released from Vietnam.  No further discussion required.

Friday, June 05, 2009

The Czar Administration

Have you got any idea how many czars have been appointed by this administration (The President)?  I mean, this is getting outta control doncha think?  Definition of czar:

   1. an emperor or king.

   2. (often initial capital letter) the former emperor of Russia.

   3. an autocratic ruler or leader.

   4.any person exercising great authority or power in a particular field: a czar of industry.

I had thought I’d heard we were up to 14, so began to do abit of research – if I’m reading correctly, we are now up to twenty-one.  Read definitions 3 and 4 above.  These folks are responsible to only ‘one’ individual, name is President Obama.  What sort of government are we turning into? 

If this does not scare you, it should.  I don’t know how long it is going to take for the general populace to awaken from their stupor; I can only hope it happens before it is too late.

Wednesday, June 03, 2009

General Motors

   I nor anyone else knows where this is going to end.  The only thing I know for sure is I am not happy with what has happened so far.  Just goes against the grain, albeit my grain. 

   I also know I’ve lost my investment dollars… not enough to worry about, and yes I was speculating.  Not a big deal.  My real issue is what has been ‘given’ to these yaybirds.  The unions in particular. 

   I’d like just one person to name off five companies, large unionized companies that are successful.  I will be waiting for the replies.  Their time has come; their time has gone. 

   Btw, I have had several GM vehicles, have one now.  I suspect it will be the last, because I think what is going to happen is, this government bailout is only delaying the inevitable.  I suspect these actions are going to prevent unemployment from going above ten percent and then it, (the new GM) will fail anyway.  I wish them well, but methinks it is not going to work.  Know why?  The government is running the show.  Period.