John Smyzer's Ramblings

Tuesday, March 31, 2009

General Motors

   I heard today that twenty models produced by GM are profitable, meaning they sell them for more than it costs to make.   Eleven of the profitable models are trucks and SUVs.  Supposedly, the government is going to ‘make’ GM quit these gas guzzling hogs in favor of smaller vehicles.  Sounds precisely like a government run company… and as a new GM shareholder I don’t like this situation. 

   I then hear the hottest selling vehicle in Iraq is a Hummer.  Umm, sumpin is wrong with this picture. coffee

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

I Am So Very Proud - “NOT”

I watched the president’s news conference last night and will repeat what I said very early on in the campaign for president.  President Obama is very polished in his speaking; for a black man to come into the state of Iowa and ‘win’ was an early harbinger of what was to come.  Can’t begrudge him that in any way.  I am however, so very disappointed to keep hearing the populist views on the folks at A.I.G.  I had told spousal member earlier this week A.I.G. would be changing their name pronto and it has already happened.  Regardless, for bus tours to the homes of workers, harassing families, these things turn my stomach. 

Those of you who earn an upper income wage had better begin to hide that fact.  They are coming for you and you don’t even know it yet.  I am ashamed of what is happening to the greatness of this country, and frankly I don’t give a hang who knows it!  It used to PAY to excel.  There are supposed to be rewards for hard work.  Does that mean I don’t think there are crooks out there?  Nope, they are out there, everywhere in this world I’ve been. 

Did you know that in the city of New York (over 8 million people), 40,000 pay over half the taxes to keep that city running?  Think about that abit.  Now, if those dastardly A.I.G.folk ‘leave’ the city, their tax take goes with them, and umm, who do you think they will come for next?  Hmmm????     Honest companies are cancelling retreats to hotels, even giving up their deposits so as to ‘hide their faces in shame’… they do not want the public thinking they are splurging.  And the government?   Gittin bigger by the day, the budget being exploded each and every day.  It is sad, it is pathetic, it is a disgrace.

Monday, March 23, 2009

And So….

   I’m watching ‘The View’ this morning.  They were talking about being embarrassed to go shopping in these hard times.  Their embarrassment emanated from shopping in what ‘they’ perceived to be a ritzy store.  Sherry said to Barbara - “let’s go to Target and shop”.  Now, I say to you.  If you are used to shopping in Gucci's and  suddenly, to make yourself feel better you waltz into Target, do you not think you will stand out like a sore thumb?

   You can not have it both ways ladies.  Either you were lying to yourselves shopping at Gucci’s before, or you are lying now by going to Target.  Using this analogy, “I” should move from shopping at Target down to the $ store and I do NOT intend to do so.  I am what I am, and I am not changing just because I along with many others have lost boo koo buckeroos.  I go to the $ store when I want to and not to move down to ‘their’ level.  Methinks the ladies on ‘The View’ will move back to Gucci’s quite quickly as soon as the storm passes, or at least when they perceive it has passed.  Me?  Still be at Target, Walmart, and yes, the $ store.  smile_shades

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

The AIG Bonus Fiasco

Simple question time - ‘who’ gave the money to AIG?  Would you say it was our illustrious congress?  You do know they have the ability to appropriate our funds don’t you?  Well, they did, period.  Now, ask yourself why they did not put safeguards into the appropriation saying none of the money could be used to pay bonuses.

After you come to your own conclusion in paragraph #1, ask question #2 – do we want these folks running health care? 

People are indeed outraged regarding the bonuses being paid with our money; I just ask you… who is really responsible?  If you are honest with yourself I think you know the answer.

Friday, March 13, 2009

Earmarks – A Little Differently

   First of all, there is a difference between <appropriate> and <allocate>.  From day one I have crabbed about the amount of monies Congress blows through.  They have the purse strings and let there be no doubt of that fact.  Doesn’t matter what party the president is from; Congress ‘appropriates’ monies to spend.

   Now we, as the sheeple we are (self included), have been told over and over again that earmarks by individual congress persons are bad.  I know I’ve bought into this myself.  Didn’t matter if it was McaCain or Obama… they both talked constantly about the nasty ole earmarks. 

   Here is the dirty little secret.  If a given congress person from your district  does not seek an allocation (earmark) for something in their district, then that money goes back into the pot and is doled out by the government.  There is NO savings if the individual congress person does not seek and get the allocation, because the money has already been appropriated.  The money is there and the money is going to be spent, either by ‘your’ representative or by the government as a whole. 

   As has always been the case, Congress needs to rein in spending, e.g. appropriations, so the allocating can be brought under control.  Ders a whoooole lotta allocatin goin on out thea.  (spoken in my best southern drawl).


Monday, March 09, 2009

Disappointment w/Sheriff Joe

   For the “FIRST” time I am disappointed with ‘The Sheriff’ in Arizona.  Why you might ask.  Well Ole Joe had / has Charles Barkley as one of his honored guests this week.   If you don’t know the story on Mr. Barkley it really isn’t important.  Suffice it to say he played in the NBA for many years and is currently an analyst on TNT.

   So why am disappointed?  Mr. Barkley did not have to wear ‘pink’.  That is the first thing I had thought of when I heard he was going to be Ole Joe’s guest.  And now I find out Joe evidently gave favoritism to Mr. Barkley.  Not right!!! What a sight that would have been. smile_wink

Wednesday, March 04, 2009

Passing Thoughts

   Recently I heard they are considering doing away with 2-ply toilet paper because it is takes too many ‘young’ trees to make the product.  Today while shopping I, for the first time saw 3-ply toilet paper.   Because my ass is so chapped from what is happening economically, I bought some, and I will sigh with total content each time it is utilized.

   I saw probably one of the most despicable things ‘ever’ on ‘The View’ today.  Babawawa was interviewing some dude who dresses as a woman, in drag.  Seems he has not done so for nearly a year, and before she even asked the question I knew where Babs was going.  She directly asked him if the Bush administration  was the reason he had not been performing for a year.  He of course agreed and went on to say the atmosphere within the Big House is now soooo much betta cuz of who occupies said house.  Despicable is all I can say. 

Tuesday, March 03, 2009

Words Mean Things

   The Veep talking about the bankers going to Vegas etc. turns out to have consequences.  Not only bankers, but large companies are cancelling meetings, conventions etc. because of perceived perceptions.  Now, some may say… GOOD.  About time those high rollers are brought down to size. The administration is succeeding in creating class envy.  Well surprise surprise!

   Turns out the perceived little people are being hurt too.  Those who can least afford to be hurt.  You know, the person who serves your dinner in that hotel, the lady who makes up the beds.  Turns out, duhhhh, if there are no people coming to stay in that hotel, those little people have no work = no pay.  Oh well, he didn’t mean it did he?  Having succeeded creating this equality for all atmosphere means not only distributing (redistributing) the wealth, it also means distributing the pain.  Guess who can handle that pain the easiest. 

An Observation – Do ‘You’ Remember?

   Do you remember in the November December 08 and early January 09 timeframe how President Bush invited the Obama team to join into discussions / solutions to the financial mess?  There were headlines almost daily about how President elect Obama was driving the economic recovery.  The financial people would say the market was now going up because people had confidence that the Obama team had a tight grip on things.  They never mentioned that Geitner was involved with Bushe’s  treasury secretary. Ha ha.  Bush was scorned as not having any power, in affect, Mr. Obama was the acting President.  This of course ‘before’ taking office.

   Suddenly, and about 3,000 points lower, not much is said.  Do YOU remember?  Just wondering.

Monday, March 02, 2009


   Anyone who has read this for any length of time knows I like listening to Rush.  Over the course of time I know immediately when Rush is spoofing an issue.  This is why even he will tell you you need to listen for six weeks before understanding his shtick. 

   It is all over the press these days that Rush is the new voice for the republican party.  One can always wish I suppose.  It is indeed true if you are indeed a conservative you will / would agree with much of what Rush says.  This business about whether or not Rush wants The President to fail is complete balderdash, but, it is evidently serving a purpose for the democrat party.  For whatever reason they are afraid of Rush.  Why I wonder.  If Rush is so bad, e.g. out of touch with the American people, why wouldn’t the democrats be praising him.  If Rush is taking the party down the tubes, why not be praiseworthy of him.  Doesn’t make sense to me.  Rush wants the economic policy to fail… he does NOT want The President to fail.  Big difference in my mind.

   Just a simple question?  Can anyone at all remember the vitriol and hate heaped on President Bush?  Umm, were the democrats wanting him to <succeed>???  Just wondering. Rush is not spewing hate; he is spewing conservatism, something that has been sorely missed within our government, both democrat ‘and’ republican.