Change I Believe
Welp, it ‘is’ what I expected. There is NO change, and that goes for the Republicans in Congress as well. Earmarks up the waaazooo and the Republicans are just as involved as the Democrats. Now, I am not naive. I know the money is gonna get spent anyway. But The President told us he was gonna weed this out. Naaahhh. You guys thought I wuz serious? Ha ha. Sheeple… that is what we are, and we deserve what’s coming.
I’ve been getting a kick out of the attacks on the rich. You folk are gonna find out who really is rich… at least the working class is gonna find out. If I were a high paid employee, I’d have a deal with my employer whereby my salary was hidden arriving at the $250,000 level. Further, were I a small business person, I’d likewise begin hiding income once approaching that level. You are going to see charitable donations plummet, you are going to see tax revenue actually drop once people figure this out. These guys are successfully stifling aspirations of success. And ya know what? You will soon find out those with income below 250K are somehow gonna be rich. It has to be. Otherwise his numbers just don’t add up. He has to have revenue.
There is NO doubt The President can deliver a speech. Like Reagan the pundits say. I was aware of this when President Obama won the Iowa primary. I even wrote about the fact if a black person could come into Iowa and WIN, you know he was good. Nobody can deny this fact. But his figures sure don’t add up. I’m one of many who has seen their retirement pot dwindle, dwindle, and dwindle some more. It’s funny… there for awhile I thought I was rich. Not!! Furthermore I don’t care. Just gonna pay da man anyway.
So the change I believed was coming is here and going to get more so. I DO believe Mr. President.