Where Has He Been?
You mean to tell me President Bush waits a week to go to the flooded areas of the Mid West and the press doesn't wonder where he is??? Come on! He was ravaged for not being over Nawlins the next day.
Have you heard of any looting - any shooting at choppers - killin of babys? I can not believe, well, yes I can believe the contrast in the way this tragedy vs. the one along the gulf coast has been covered. It is indeed a sad but true commentary on the gutless, outrageous press we have. Grow some people.
As for me? I am proud to be from a part of this country where the people pick themselves up and move on. They know there will be government help available, but also realize it takes time to 'flow'. Bad pun I guess in the midst of the mighty Mississippi's rampage.
And by the way... it will take YEARS for the Mid West to recover, just like I have repeatedly said about the tragedy in the south.