John Smyzer's Ramblings

Thursday, June 19, 2008

Where Has He Been?

You mean to tell me President Bush waits a week to go to the flooded areas of the Mid West and the press doesn't wonder where he is???  Come on!  He was ravaged for not being over Nawlins the next day. 

Have you heard of any looting - any shooting at choppers - killin of babys?  I can not believe, well, yes I can believe the contrast in the way this tragedy vs. the one along the gulf coast has been covered. It is indeed a sad but true commentary on the gutless, outrageous press we have.  Grow some people.

As for me?  I am proud to be from a part of this country where the people pick themselves up and move on.  They know there will be government help available, but also realize it takes time to 'flow'.  Bad pun I guess in the midst of the mighty Mississippi's rampage.

And by the way... it will take YEARS for the Mid West to recover, just like I have repeatedly said about the tragedy in the south.

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Bush never lied to us about Iraq - Los Angeles Times

I never thought I'd see this while President Bush was still in office, especially in The LA Times, but.... I agree with it in toto. Further, the day will come Mr. Bush when you will be vindicated. 

You have all by now heard the refrain 'Yes We Can'.  Well, my refrain is: 'Yes "I" Am'.  I am indeed one of the remaining,  whatever percentage it is, who supports President Bush.  And I am dadgummed proud to say so.

Mr. McCain

I see today Mr. McCain is touting oil exploration.  I should be happy, right?  This very thing is an example for why I am having problems with the Senator from Arizona. 

I KNOW what the Senator from Illinois is going to do.  He makes no bones about what he is up to.  And if he's elected, so be it.  I am not going to go all nutzo especially since I am the age I am.  But the young in this country who believe they see the shining star of hope on the hill?  They will be in for a rude awakening.

As for McCain?  He's been against exploration for so long, I now have to question his intelligence being for exploration.  I mean, he has been in a position of decision making for this country for how long... others have been advocating drilling for many many years. I guess I should be happy he's finally onboard, but again, this very decision illuminates 'why' I have problems with Senator McCain. 

And one more time; it makes me want to vomit when people on the left try and tell us they are upset with high gas prices.  This is PRECISELY what they have lobbied for over the years.  They just wanted to do it with a tax in order to force a cut back on consumption.  Well, consumption is indeed dropping, they should be gleeful.  But, they see it as a political issue... high prices = B U S H and big oil.  What a crock.   

For anyone interested, this is the United States of America. We have the technology, we have the energy, and we do not need the Arab world to rub our noses in anything.  Besides about 60% of our oil comes from North America as it is... course the media does not tell us that - :)

Sunday, June 15, 2008

Just Wonderin

So - they are telling us the floods in Iowa are the worst in 500 years.  I guess that means since the last time, we've had an ice age and now are back into a global warming age.  I mean, what other explanation could there be?

And, why no screaming about FEMA?  I mean, nobody in the media is wondering how those people got out.  Yup  there is devastation, and my heart goes out to the people of Iowa.  I'm just wondering why and how they got out of harms way.  Do you really wanna know?

They have not been taken care of from day one by the government. They are hardy folks who have essentially taken care of themselves for their entire lives.  I am proud of them.  Does it assuage the trauma they are going through?  Nope... just a fact.

Yes, there will be government help to put them back on their feet.  If that is 'your' point, then you miss 'my' point.  Now, proceed slinging arrows. 

Sunday, June 08, 2008

Half Way There

Welp, I filled my tank the other day and it was $50.00 American.  Soooo, I guess gas will have to get to $8.00 per gallon before we arrive at where I think 'The People' will rise and demand The Congress act. 

It is my theory that people will finally realize congress has not allowed the harvesting of our own natural resources and will demand they allow drilling both within the interior and offshore.  There simply is no excuse.  I have not checked this out yet, but I read from a normally reliable source that China is building 300 nuclear power plants.  Know how many we are building?  Z E R O ! We can do it safely, we have the technology. 

This does NOT mean we can't pursue other alternatives.  I do not know even one person who is against alternatives,  and then when we have them, give up on fossil fuels.  Let's get on with it, but until we have something alternate, drill for the fricking oil we have.  Just like I don't know even one person against LEGAL immigration. 

Anyway, as mentioned previously, there are signs the people are finally getting it; I mentioned before South Dakota approved a new oil refinery.  It just takes some time, and pain. 

What people fail to understand is that what is happening is <precisely> what most environmentalists want.  I am talking about the radicals, those that make the noise.  I do not know one person who wants to destroy the planet.  Yes, there are polluters, there are those who don't take care of the simple things.  I am just saying the majority of folks take care of things, like they are taught in, oh, say, the second or third grade.  "THOSE" people are going to be heard from, and soon me thinks.

So, I am hunkered down, I am ready to pay, and I am waiting for 'The People' to rise and make some demands on The Congress, the makers of law. 

Thursday, June 05, 2008

Obama's First Appointment

Gives me the willies to see a problem in Mr. Obama's very first appointment, the committee to find a Vice President.  I know there are three on the committee, but I am focusing on 'one'. Eric Holder.

As deputy attorney general, Holder was the key person who made the pardon of Marc Rich possible in the final hours of the Clinton presidency. Marc Rich, the fugitive billionaire who renounced his US citizenship and moved to Switzerland to avoid prosecution for racketeering, wire fraud, 51 counts of tax fraud, evading $48 million in taxes, and engaging in illegal trades with Iran in violation of the US embargo following the 1979-80 hostage crisis.

Now, doesn't that just warm your heart and inspire confidence that 'change' is coming? 

Eighteen Years Ago Today

My father passed away - I just wanted to acknowledge that fact. I miss him 'and' my mother. 

Wednesday, June 04, 2008

Sioux City Journal: Union County approves zoning ordinance for Hyperion

This could be the beginning of the great American turn-a-round.  Maybe, just maybe people will begin to realize in order to GROW, we need energy.  Now, I am all for alternatives, but until the alternatives arrive, we need to expand what we have.  The first new refinery in nearly three decades.  Good for South Dakota. 

Sioux City Journal: Union County approves zoning ordinance for Hyperion