State of The Union Speech
Yes I watched the speech. Yes I thought it was a good speech. About the only time I gagged was during the entering and exiting of the chamber. There is no way on this earth I could be a politician. To watch those who daily spew venom about our President gush and fawn over him during the entry / exit just makes me take another pepto.
I will concede I believe this is our last chance to do it right. I have conceded there have been errors made leading up to this point. So might I add, has the President. That is 'why' he has changed course, something that has been demanded by the opposition, until of course he does change course. What absolute hypocrites. There is NO brass in their gonads.
The democrat party is now in power. P O W E R. That means, IF they believe all is lost they should cut off funds and do it now. They are yellow... they say they won't cut off funds while the troops are there. Well get real... does anyone actually believe they would not fly the boys and girls home? Absolute crap. They are absolutely in fear that this so called surge is going to work. If it does they will be exposed. And if it doesn't? We all know the people of this country have grown weary of the fight. I could point you back to previous entries where I spelled out time lines and as those lines passed the President's popularity has indeed eroded. That is why I do indeed believe this is the last chance. Notice I didn't say "I" would get out if it fails. Just that I don't think the people would go for anymore.
I also listened to Senator Webb give the rebuttal. One thing sticks in my craw and I'd like to see him justify / prove his assertion. He stated that over fifty percent of the troops are against the surge. Oh??? News to me. Troops are being very quiet if that is the case.
Anyway, brace yourselves. I hate the daily news from Iraq... my biggest disappointment in the whole thing is I thought the Iraqi people would stand up and weed out the graft amongst themselves before now. Were that to happen, this would have a happy ending. At least in my humble opinion.