John Smyzer's Ramblings

Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Hypocrite - Sir Warren Buffett

   Over the course of time within this blog I have criticized Warren Buffett, especially as it pertains to his paying income taxes.  Our President has been railing about corporations moving their corporate headquarters outside this country in order to pay lower corporate income taxes.  Mr. Buffett who has publicly sided with President Obama as it pertains to 'personal' income taxes has taken a strange interest in the Burger King situation. 
   His interest?  Oh, just three billion (that is with a 'b'), dollars to finance the merger with the Canadian company.  To me it is laughable.  Buffett intentionally keeps his salary at 100K and has for years.  He knows 'how' to do it and still live at any means he wants.  Sounds good to Joe Blow though.  I have over the course of time, bought a little Berkshire stock (the B stock).  I would guess that makes me a hypocrite to some.  In reality I wish I had more, it does make money.  That does NOT alleviate the fact ole Warren himself is a hypocrite!  I am just upfront about being one. 

Friday, August 15, 2014

Various'n Sundry Things

Ferguson MO - Once again I was sucked into feeling sorry for a group of people thinking the police were running rampant over a select group of people.  Once again I was duped.  It took four days, but the truth is beginning to come out.  Our innocent little victim was not so innocent.  Sickens me.  I am slowly beginning to realize the media 'never' has it right in the early going.  And many of them will not get it right even after the facts are displayed.  Regardless the outcome, one think I do believe is wrong. The ration of black / white police to the local populace needs to be looked at closely.

I have finally been convinced this ole world has gone quite bonkers.  I guess we are to believe the Christians in Iraq up on that mountain top are all A.O.K. now.  If 'you' believe it, you are an idiot.  Our fearless President did say it, so it MUST be true.  So very sad.  And our 'investigative' reporters? Sheep!

The President flew down from The Vineyard yesterday to say exactly two things.  1) The people on the mountain in Irag are OK, and 2) let us please calm down in Ferguson MO.  Estimated cost to fly down? Over two mil.  Debt is only approaching 18 Trillion, so no big deal.  But the horrors of the greenhouse gasses he input with Air force One?  To coin a phrase from my favorite movie, Apocalypse Now - "the horror, the horror."  In other words, it only matters when you want it to!!

Wednesday, August 06, 2014

An Observation or Two

Been off the grid for awhile.  Seems as if things are swirling out of control these days in the world. Problems in the Mid-East, problems in Russia / Ukraine, problems at our southern border, problems with ebola in Africa.  One thing in common it seems.  President Obama does not seem to get blasted by the media for any of these issues. Is that a coincidence?  Methinks not, but who am i?

In the Mid-East, Israel is blamed. To put this in perspective, if Mexico were lobbing missiles into Texas, do you think we would do nothing?  Maybe I don't want you to answer that considering some of our President's recent actions, but in general... do you think we'd do nothing?  I think not!  And yet, the world in general, and our government in particular berates Israel.   Astonishing to me.

In Russia / Ukraine, Russia gets bolder and bolder.   They apparently have NO fear from this government.  Too often the good ole U.S.A. has made a threat around the world and then back pedaled.  Vladimir noticed, sadly.

In our own country it seems each and every decision President Obama makes is political.  While nobody in leadership in the elephant party is talking impeachment, it gets mentioned each and every day by the donkeys.  Absolutely everything is the elephants fault.  Notice NOTHING is 'his' fault.  The media blames only one can figure that out I hope.  When it comes to amnesty,  tis the elephant's fault, even though for the first two years of his presidency he had control of both houses of Congress.  He could have done anything, (witness Obama Care)...did he do amnesty?  Nope, and the media let him get away with it in toto.  Now, guess who is getting the blame.  It turns my stomach, but it is the way it is... not one world regards the RECORD numbers NOT working and on welfare.  If there were an elephant in the oval office, this would be daily news, and I do mean daily!!

The sad part?  If Hillary runs for 'the' office, the same yaybirds who voted for the first black president will vote for the first woman president.  And the beat goes on!!!