John Smyzer's Ramblings

Friday, July 26, 2013

This’n That Around The Net

   I will tell you, the newspaper headlines in the New York City papers have been some of the most inducing creators of belly laughs since I can remember.  American ingenuity is always at the fore.  I think Carlos Danger is finally toast. Don’t need to repeat any here, but they have been hilarious.

   Did you know Bob Filner is a democrat?  One has to look to find out, but abit of digging finds out his behavior as mayor of San Diego is nothing new.  I wonder where the ‘war on women’ went. It is so sad when two-faced people are revealed.   It is truly amazing the people coming to realize the impact of Obama Care.  The same people who openly stumped for this fiasco are now wanting to opt out.  It is so sad to an observer to watch the total destruction of healthcare in this country.  I watched a young lady being interviewed on CNN, CNN fer cryin out loud!!! She said she would be better off paying the penalty vice getting the insurance.  It is going to get sticky. The President (if anyone was listening), said quite clearly he was going to ‘transform America’.  He has done so quite easily.  An absolute ‘perfect’ example of when sexual harassment is dependent on whether you are an elephant or a donkey – “perfect example”.  Happens all the time.  I happened to see this ‘Talking Points’ portion of O’Reilly’s show when he did it live.  I sat there and remember thinking, thank goodness ‘someone’ is speaking truth.  It matters not what you think.  You have to be a moron to believe that throwing more money at this issue will solve things.  Republicans are afraid to speak the truth for fear of being called racist.  Dems know where their voting bloc originates, so we just keep gyrating down the path to nowhere.  Chris Hayes of MSNBC whom I have watched with some regularity is full of crapola!  So now we have a jurist who says Zimmerman ‘got away with murder’.  The most revealing thing to me is when she says:  "That's where I felt confused, where if a person kills someone, then you get charged for it. But as the law was read to me, if you have no proof that he killed him intentionally, you can't say he's guilty."  Now if you have a problem with Florida law, change the fricking law, but in the end, at least they <FOLLOWED THE LAW>!!

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Careful Folks

Carlos Danger is lurking around. Be on the lookout!!! And Huma? She says she learned all she knows from Hillary. I suspect she is right on the money!!!

Friday, July 19, 2013

This’n That

   I wrote about the Zimmerman / Travon verdict long ago.  What a dumb ass I was / am to accurately predict the outcome.  So very sad.  And our President is stoking the fires.  If anyone believes race relations in this country are better today than when they were when President Obama took office, you are smoking something.  I think I want some.

   Obamacare is beginning to come apart at the seams.  Not one thing new about that if only people had listened. I am now getting letters sent home with my spouse saying they are cutting dialysis. Know what?  I knew it was coming… read old entries.  Will I write letters to Congress?  Nope.  I / we will go down with the ship.  I will NOT stoop to these bastards.

   Detroit has filed for bankruptcy.  A judge has said they cannot do it.  She has sent the paperwork to President Obama because he bailed out Detroit (read as GM), before; surely he will bail out the city.  It is only the beginning folks.  You have to be an absolute idiot not to see what is coming.  They cannot generate enough revenue to pay the exorbitant salaries. Simple mathematics

   I paid the tax on a new vehicle today at the county.  I told the lady servicing me, looking directly into her eyes I despised writing this check more than writing the check for the vehicle.  Read as I am very sick of taxes.  There are those who say I should be happy I can pay them; I am not!!!.

Thursday, July 11, 2013

Spine WalMart

I hope beyond all hope that WalMart has the gonads to stick to their guns in Washington D.C. Nothing more, nothing less; I just hope they stick to their guns.

Monday, July 01, 2013

National News Observations

   Watching the CBS Evening News – they talked about the horrible fire in AZ – they could not bear saying the name of the governor of AZ, but they sure got The President’s name in the story.  Sad.

   They talked about in less than 30 seconds the fact college loans are doubling as of today.  They blamed Congress.  What they did NOT say was who made the law, when they made the law, and why it is not going to be rescinded.  The donkeys made the law, they made it so it would not come up in an election year. It will remain in effect because the administration needs money for Obamacare.  Period.

    I have been dickering on a new car… even though I despise GM because of the bailout, I get a GM discount so have been perusing the locals.  So I get a business card with an erroneous business card email.  When I finally sent an email to HR and asked just what in the HELL the correct email is, they replied with – ‘oh thanks for point out the error’.  Ya gotta be crapping me!!!! If “I” were handing out a business card I’d dadgonned sure make the card correct, even if I had to write it on there myself.  Sad, sloppy, probably lost sale… dunno yet!