Priceless Healthcare Story
Ya just gotta read this – I love it when the truth is exposed. You do not even need to read past paragraph four, but it is quite revealing. :)
Ya just gotta read this – I love it when the truth is exposed. You do not even need to read past paragraph four, but it is quite revealing. :)
Yes, let us git rid of Toyota in America. Let us take a quick peek… they only employ 35,000 in U.S. plants, and we all know this country can easily afford another 35,000 out of work… oh, and there are about 1,400 dealerships employing only 115,000 – git rid of them.
Oh, and Toyota has given around 470 million dollars to different organizations in this country since 1991. Don’t need it do we!
This is absurd. If things are this bad with Toyota, then there are allot of people in this government who are not and have not been doing their jobs for aloooong time!!!
I know, I know… those poor souls who have lost loved ones due to problems will say it is worth it. I do to… shut em down… we may as well go all the way into the crap hole before the long climb out.
Best cars in America for how long??? Who told us that??? Man we are gullible.
I have ‘no’ bone to pick with Tiger; I hope he gets his personal life in order for his sake and not mine. But, you talk about a staged event. Me? I despise gimmickry, and this event was indeed a gimmick.
He was coached ‘when’ to look directly into the camera. Were looking into the camera done naturally you would not have noticed it so much. I did on at least three occasions.
The biggest sign to me the whole thing was staged was Tiger’s mother. If you missed it, and get the chance to see it again, watch right towards the end when his mother looks to the right. Tiger is still talking, his mother looks to the right as if waiting for a queue. Tiger quits talking, mom stands up and they do their embrace – she with a big smile on her face. A glance to the right perhaps responding to an entry into the room – that I understand… not a sustained turning of the head and watching for the queue.
None of this matters in the end. He doesn’t need to apologize to me, but his sponsors? Perhaps, and in the end, that is what this was about.
Yea!!! The President has approved 8 billion dollars for getting nuclear power off dead center. Just how laughable is this proposal?
You can trace the stoppage of building nuclear power plants to one thing. ‘The China Syndrome’ movie. Since that time? Notta, zilch, zero… finito.
To top the farce off, Mr. Obama has closed, as in shut down the waste facility in Nevada. Yucca Mountain facility. Heard of it? Billions, and I do mean billions of dollars have been poured into Yucca Mountain where nuclear waste was to be stored. Shut down, and then he approves 8 billion in loans for companies to build a plant. We are indeed sheeple.
Kaaarazzzy Baby!!!
I sure wish I could put my finger on the left’s infatuation with Sarah. I guess the only conclusion I can come up with is, they are afraid of her.
For what it’s worth, I do not think she will ever hold a national office, and not because of her ideas, but because of the way she sounds. When she is giving a delivered speech, it is OK, but when speaking off the cuff, I think she comes across as umm, screechy. A nagging woman if you will.
I am not anti-woman. And umm, she does not have to be good looking. I’m thinking Ghandi, Meir, Thatcher. Contrast what Sarah sounds like while speaking to those ladies. And I have one other, maybe even two others who I will use as contrast. Meg Whitman and Carly Fiorina. Meg is running for governor of California and Carly is running for the Senate in California.
Regardless, I don’t much care what others think; I ‘do’ like Sarah… I just do not believe ‘the people’ will be able to accept the sound of her voice on a daily basis. Of course you do know what they say about opinions.
The ‘best’ thing going for Government Motors (formerly GM) is Toyota. I am confident the administration will ‘sell’ it as GM on the rebound, and perhaps they are, but they are being greatly assisted by what is currently happening at Toyota.
I see the perky one, Katie Couric is facing a big pay-cut if rumors are correct. Seems her 14 million per year, if cut in half could pay 200 reporters around 75K per year. The populism is taking effect. The kicker will be when those making 500K get asked to take a cut, and then those making 200K, and by now I hope you are getting the picture. It is coming, and guess what… WE ASKED FOR IT!
Secretary of Education says Katrina was “the best thing that happened to the education system in New Orleans”. Wonder if he will give President Bush the credit he deserves for creating the hurricane in the first place. Come on George, we need hurricanes in umm, Detroit, Philly, Chicago, in fact, all the major inner cities. Let’s do it right. Do it for the chillrun.
So I began hearing the story about Rahm Emanuel saying ‘F-ing retard’ yesterday. Last night on the news they made a point that Emanuel had apologized and it was NOT because Sarah Palin had called for his resignation. “Today” I read the comment about retards was in fact made last August. Sarah made ‘her’ comment yesterday and Emanuel apologized forthwith. Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha. You can’t make this stuff up.